2020年10月17日 - 2020年10月21日

Microsoft at CSCW 2020

地点: Virtual/Online

Virtually Co-located with UIST (opens in new tab)

Website: CSCW 2020 (opens in new tab)

Microsoft is proud to be a sponsor of the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. See more details on our contributions on the sessions tab.

Congratulations to our award winners:

Honorable Mention Papers

09:00 – 10:30 | Physical Interaction & Robots
“I can’t get round”: Recruiting Assistance in Mobile Robotic Telepresence
Andriana Boudouraki, Joel E Fischer, Stuart Reeves, Sean Rintel

11:00 – 12:30 | UX of AI
When Are Search Completion Suggestions Problematic?
Alexandra Olteanu, Fernando Diaz, Gabriella Kazai

2020 Lasting Impact Award

Territoriality in collaborative tabletop workspaces
Stacey D. Scott, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Kori Inkpen

Program Committee members

Siân Lindley, Papers Co-Chair
John Tang, Social Co-Chair