Faculty Summit 2017
2017年7月17日 - 2017年7月18日

Faculty Summit 2017: The Edge of AI

地点: Redmond, WA

Watch the streamed sessions on demand


AI in the Open World

Fielding AI solutions in the open world requires systems to grapple with incompleteness and uncertainty. This session addresses several promising areas of research in open world AI, including enhancing robustness via…
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Smart Enough to Work With Us? Foundations and Challenges for Teamwork-Enabled AI Systems

For much of its history, AI research has aimed toward building intelligent machines independently of their interactions with…
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Fireside Chat with Harry Shum

Christopher Bishop has a fireside chat with Harry Shum, executive vice president of Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Research…
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The Interplay of Agent and Market Design

Humans make hundreds of routine decisions daily. More often than not, the impact of our decisions depends on the decisions of others…
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AI, People, and Society

Advances in AI promise great benefit to people and organizations. However, as we push the science of AI forward, we need to consider…
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Model-Based Machine Learning

Today, thousands of scientists and engineers are applying machine learning to an extraordinarily broad range of domains, and over the last…
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