August 1, 2018 - August 2, 2018

Research Faculty Summit 2018

Lieu: Redmond, WA

Tuesday, July 31

Time (PDT) Session
4:00 PM–7:00 PM Welcome Reception and Registration Desk Open

Wednesday, August 1

Time (PDT) Session Speaker Location
7:30 AM–8:30 AM Breakfast McKinley
8:30 AM–9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction
Sandy Blyth, Global Managing Director, Microsoft Research
Donald Kossmann, Director of Redmond Lab, Microsoft Research
9:00 AM–10:00 AM Inside Microsoft Azure Datacenter Architecture Mark Russinovich, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Azure Kodiak
10:15 AM–11:45 AM Database and Data Analytic Systems
Chair: Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft


  • Tim Kraska, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | slides
  • Andy Pavlo, Carnegie Mellon University | slides
  • Matei Zaharia, Stanford University | slides
Hardware-accelerated Networked Systems
Co-Chairs: Yibo Zhu and Hitesh Ballani, Microsoft


  • Tom Anderson, University of Washington | slides
  • Hitesh Ballani, Microsoft
  • Daniel Blumenthal, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Sambhrama Mundkur, Microsoft | slides
Verification and Secure Systems
Chair: Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft


  • Adam Chlipala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | slides
  • Ed Nightingale, Microsoft | slides
  • Nikhil Swamy, Microsoft
St. Helens
11:45 AM–1:00 PM Networking Lunch: One Table/One Topic McKinley
1:00 PM–2:30 PM Free Inference and Instant Training: Breakthroughs and Implications
Co-Chairs: Matthai Philipose and Amar Phanishayee, Microsoft


  • Geoff Gordon, Microsoft | slides
  • Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley | slides
  • Christopher Re, Stanford University
  • Vivienne Sze, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | slides
Future of Cloud Storage Systems Chair: Ant Rowstron, Microsoft


  • Luis Ceze, University of Washington | slides
  • Aaron Ogus, Microsoft
  • Ant Rowstron, Microsoft
  • Steven Swanson, University of California, San Diego | slides
AI for AI Systems
Co-Chairs: Dan Bohus, Debadeepta Dey, and Siddhartha Sen, Microsoft


  • Behnaz Arzani, Microsoft | slides
  • Eric Horvitz, Microsoft
  • Virginia Smith, Carnegie Mellon University | slides
St. Helens
2:30 PM–3:00 PM Networking Break
3:00 PM–4:15 PM The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of ML for Networked Systems
Co-Chairs: Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Junchen Jiang, Venkat Padmanabhan, and Siddhartha Sen, Microsoft


  • Bruce Maggs, Duke University | slides
  • Dave Maltz, Microsoft | slides
  • Balaji Prabhakar, Stanford University
  • Keith Winstein, Stanford University | slides
Programmable Hardware for Distributed Systems Chair: Dan Ports, Microsoft


  • Simon Peter, University of Texas at Austin | slides
  • Dan Ports, Microsoft
Continuous Deployment: Current and Future Challenges
Chair: Brendan Murphy, Microsoft


  • Chap Alex, Microsoft | slides
  • Jen Beckmann, Microsoft | slides
  • Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University | slides
St. Helens
4:30 PM–5:05 PM Entrepreneurship and Systems Research
Moderator: Ranveer Chandra, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research


  • Dawn Song, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
  • Matei Zaharia, Assistant Professor, Stanford University and Co-founder, Databricks
5:05 PM–5:45 PM The Art of Building a Reliable Cloud Network
Albert Greenberg, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Azure Networking Kodiak
6:00 PM–6:30 PM Transportation to Dinner
6:30 PM–9:00 PM Dinner at Hyatt Regency Lake Washington

Thursday, August 2

Time (PDT) Session Speaker Location
7:30 AM–8:30 AM Breakfast McKinley
8:30 AM–9:00 AM Technology Showcase – Lightning Round Sandy Blyth, Global Managing Director, Microsoft Research Kodiak
9:00 AM–9:45 AM Knowledge Systems and AI
David Ku, Corporate Vice President, AI Core and CTO of Microsoft AI & Research Kodiak
10:00 AM–11:30 AM Intelligent Edge
Chair: Victor Bahl, Microsoft


  • Mung Chiang, Purdue University | slides
  • Umakishore Ramachandran, Georgia Institute of Technology | slides
  • Arjmand Samuel, Microsoft | slides
  • Lin Zhong, Rice University | slides
St. Helens
10:00 AM–11:40 AM Confidential Computing
Chair: Manuel Costa, Microsoft


  • Srini Devadas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | slides
  • Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College | slides
  • Mark Russinovich, Microsoft | slides
  • Dawn Song, University of California, Berkeley | slides
10:00 AM–12:00 PM CPU & DRAM Bugs: Attacks & Defenses
Co-Chairs: Stefan Saroiu and Alec Wolman, Microsoft


  • Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University | slides
  • Christopher Ertl, Microsoft | slides
  • Onur Mutlu, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich | slides
11:30 AM–2:00 PM Technology Showcase Chair: Sean Kuno, Research Program Manager, Microsoft Research Hood/Baker
12:00 PM–1:00 PM Networking Lunch: One Table/One Topic McKinley
1:00 PM–1:30 PM Micro Co-design for Efficient Cloud Infrastructure Muthian Sivathanu, Microsoft Lassen
1:30 PM–2:00 PM From Paper to Production: Privacy Compliance Systems at Scale Saikat Guha, Microsoft Lassen
2:00 PM–3:15 PM Quantum Computers: Software and Hardware Architecture Chair: Matthias Troyer, Microsoft


  • Douglas Carmean, Microsoft
  • Torsten Hoefler, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich | slides
  • Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University | slides
AI Infrastructure and Tools

  • Fan Yang, Microsoft | slides
  • Jilong Xue, Microsoft | slides
Current Trends in Blockchain Technology
Chair: Arvind Arasu, Microsoft


  • Carsten Binnig, Technische Universität Darmstadt | slides
  • Srinath Setty, Microsoft | slides
  • Dawn Song, University of California, Berkeley | slides
St. Helens
3:15 PM–3:45 PM Networking Break
3:45 PM–4:30 PM Computing Innovation and Diversity of Thought
Chair: Vani Mandava, Director, Data Science, Microsoft Research

Moderator: Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-founder of the National Center for Women & Information Technology


  • Abolade Gbadegesin, Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft
  • Jim Kurose, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation
  • Margaret Martonosi, Professor of Computer Science, Director, Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, Princeton University

Mentioned: Dear Colleague Letter: Pursuing Meaningful Actions in Support of Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC)

4:30 PM–5:15 PM Systems Research | Fueling Future Disruptions
Donald Kossmann, Director of Redmond Lab, Microsoft Research Kodiak

Friday, August 3

Time (PDT) Co-located Workshop Location
8:00 AM–2:00 PM Continuous Deployment Workshop Microsoft Building 99