Faculty Summit 2019
2019年7月17日 2019年7月18日

Faculty Summit 2019 | The future of work

地点: Redmond, Washington, USA

Tuesday, July 16

Time (PDT) Session Location
4:00 PM–7:00 PM Welcome reception and registration desk open Hyatt Regency Bellevue

Wednesday, July 17

Time (PDT) Session Speaker Location
8:30 AM–9:00 AM Welcome & Intro
Sandy Blyth, Global Managing Director, Microsoft Research Kodiak
9:00 AM–10:00 AM Keynote: An Expansive View of Productivity
Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Kodiak
Keynote: Understanding Workplace Well-Being and Productivity through Sensor Tracking
Gloria Mark, University of California, Irvine Kodiak
10:00 AM–10:15 AM Transition Break
10:15 AM–11:45 AM Breakout Sessions
Microproductivity: Getting Big Things Done Using Smaller Moments
Chair: Shamsi Iqbal, Microsoft


  • Steven Dow, University of California, San Diego
  • Lydia Chilton, Columbia University
  • Walter Lasecki, University of Michigan
  • Victor Poznanski, Microsoft
Techniques for ML Model Transparency and Debugging
Co-Chairs: Steven Drucker and Gonzalo Ramos, Microsoft


  • Daniel Weld, University of Washington
  • Rich Caruana, Microsoft
  • Matthew Kay, University of Michigan
St Helens
Envisioning Fluid Cross-Device Experiences
Chair: Nathalie Riche, Microsoft


  • Caroline Appert, Université Paris-Sud / Paris Saclay
  • Nicolai Marquardt, University College London
  • Ken Hinckley, Microsoft
  • Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary
11:45 AM–1:00 PM Networking Lunch – One Table | One Topic (limited space per table)

  • Classroom => Market with Brent Hecht
  • Non-CS Affinity Group with Mary Gray
  • Mixed Reality @ Work with Lorraine Bardeen
  • Assistance vs Annoyance with Vanessa Feliberti
  • Personal Learner Graph with Maria Langworthy
  • Workplace Analytics with Ryan Fuller
  • Cyber Security with John Lambert
  • Digital Life/Digital Work with Kelsey Vaughn
1:00 PM–2:30 PM Breakout Sessions
AI-Driven Image Captioning For Inclusive Productivity
Chair: Ed Cutrell, Microsoft


  • Danna Gurari, University of Texas, Austin
  • Kathleen McCoy, University of Delaware
  • Walter Lasecki, University of Michigan
  • Ece Kamar, Microsoft
Recommendation and Learning to Improve Personal Productivity
Chair: Paul Bennett, Microsoft


  • Jennifer Neville, Purdue University
  • Yejin Choi, University of Washington
  • Chris Re, Stanford University
St Helens
The Future of Communication
Chair: Sean Rintel, Microsoft


  • Elizabeth Stokoe, Loughborough University
  • Constantine Sandis, University of Hertsfordshire
  • Yvonne Rogers, University College London
  • Bill Buxton, Microsoft
2:30 PM–3:00 PM Networking Break
3:00 PM–4:30 PM Breakout Sessions
Workforce of the Future
Chair: Ehsan Hoque, University of Rochester


  • Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
  • Skip Rizzo, University of Southern California
  • Shamsi Iqbal, Microsoft
  • Phil Pizzo, Stanford University
  • Ehsan Hoque, University of Rochester
Task Intelligence: Doing More with Less
Chair: Ryen White, Microsoft


  • Flora Salim, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Keith Ballinger, Microsoft
  • Caitlin Hart, Microsoft
  • Shree Sahasrabudhe, Microsoft
  • Howard Crow, Microsoft
St Helens
Augmented and Virtual Productivity Experiences
Chair: Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Microsoft


  • Bobby Bodenheimer, Vanderbilt University
  • Sarah Creem-Regehr, University of Utah
  • Henry Fuchs, University of North Carolina
  • Eyal Ofek, Microsoft
4:30 PM–4:45 PM Transition Break
4:45 PM–5:45 PM A Conversation with Bill Gates Hosted by Eric Horvitz
5:45 PM–6:30 PM Travel to Seattle
6:30 PM–9:00 PM Dinner at Chihuly Garden and Glass
9:00 PM–10:30 PM Surprise Experience (optional)

Thursday, July 18

Time (PDT) Session Speaker Location
8:30 AM–9:00 AM Welcome & Tech Showcase Lightning Round Kodiak
9:00 AM–10:00 AM Keynote: Intentional Approaches to Human-Computer Collaboration
Mira Lane, Microsoft Kodiak
10:00 AM–12:00 PM Technology Showcase | The Future of Work Demos
12:00 PM–1:00 PM Networking Lunch McKinley
1:00 PM–2:30 PM Breakout Sessions
Human-AI Collaboration for Decision-Making
Co-Chairs: Besmira Nushi and Ece Kamar, Microsoft


  • Ayanna Howard, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
  • Besmira Nushi, Microsoft
  • Ece Kamar, Microsoft
  • Rich Caruana, Microsoft
Increasing AI Programmer Productivity
Co-Chairs: Sarah Bird and Markus Weimer, Microsoft


  • Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zurich
  • Ce Zhang, ETH Zurich
  • Tianqi Chen, University of Washington
  • Matei Zaharia, Stanford University
  • Sarah Bird, Microsoft
  • Markus Weimer, Microsoft
St Helens
Future of Spreadsheeting
Co-Chairs: Andy Gordon, Shi Han, and Ben Zorn, Microsoft


  • Felienne Hermans, Universiteit Leiden
  • Shi Han, Microsoft
  • Daniel Barowy, Williams College
  • Andy Gordon, Microsoft
  • Ben Zorn, Microsoft
2:30 PM–3:00 PM Networking Break
3:00 PM–4:30 PM Breakout Sessions
Using Productivity in Software Development
Chair: Neel Sundaresan, Microsoft


  • Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria
  • Ahmed E. Hassan, Queens University
  • Premkumar Devanbu, University of California, Davis
St Helens
Workers of the World, Connect! Tech Innovations and Organizational Change for the Future of Work(ers)
Co-Chairs: Mary Gray and Jacki O’Neill, Microsoft


  • Louise Hickman, University of California, San Diego
  • Melissa Valentine, Stanford University
  • Jamie Woodcock, Oxford Internet Institute
  • Jacki O’Neill, Microsoft
  • Mary Gray, Microsoft
Artificial Emotional Intelligence, Social Systems, and the Future of Collaboration
Chair: Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft


  • Mark Ackerman, University of Michigan
  • Sidney D’Mello, University of Colorado
  • Gloria Mark, University of California, Irvine
  • Eoin Whelan, National University of Ireland, Galway
  • Steve Whittaker, University of California, Santa Cruz
4:30 PM–4:45 PM Break
4:45 PM–5:45 PM Keynote: The Future of Work And the Power of Data
Johannes Gehrke, Microsoft Kodiak
5:45 PM–6:45 PM Closing Reception Rainier

*Agenda subject to change