Warm summer sunlight illuminating the ferries on the harbour waterfront reflecting the iconic facades of the luxury hotels and townhouses that line the shore of Nybroviken harbour, Stockholm, Sweden's vibrant capital city.
July 10, 2018 - July 15, 2018

Microsoft @ ICML 2018

Lieu: Stockholm, Sweden


Humanizing AI
Sunday, July 15, 2018 | 8:30 AM–5:30 PM | Room T3

Organizers: Dr. Radhakrishnan Srikanth, Niranjan Nayak, Dr. Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla, Puneet Agrawal

FAIM’18 Workshop on CausalML
Sunday, July 15, 2018 | 8:30 AM–6:00 PM | A6

Organizer: Adith Swaminathan