ICD 2024 logo - Inclusive Digital Maker Futures for Children via Physical Computing
June 16, 2024

Inclusive Digital Maker
Futures for Children via
Physical Computing

Central European Summer Time (UTC +1)

Lieu: Delft, Netherlands


09:30-10:30MicroCode: Talk and Hands-on Activity
Conveying physical computing to new audiences with MicroCode (opens in new tab), Judith Bishop (opens in new tab), Thomas Ball (opens in new tab)
11:00-12:30Session 1 Talks
11:00-11:30 Toolkit for Educators in Data Science (TEDS): Using physical computing to support data science education in the primary classroom (opens in new tab), Lorraine Underwood (opens in new tab)
11:30-12:00 Using micro:bits to Support Children’s Understanding of Personal Health Data (opens in new tab), Sydney Charitos (opens in new tab)
12:00-12:30 Making Bugs for Learning: How youth can benefit from designing (and fixing) buggy projects with programmable microcontrollers (opens in new tab), Luis Morales-Navarro (opens in new tab)
13:30-15:00Session 2 Talks
13:30-14:00 Physical Computing with MIT App Inventor (opens in new tab), David Kim (opens in new tab)
14:00-14:30 Explore the Robot Paraeducator service range in Education (opens in new tab), Liqun «Charlotte» Bi (opens in new tab)
14:30-15:00 Design and Implementation of an Accessory for the micro:bit Board with a Focus on Universal Design Principles (opens in new tab), Maria Josefina Martinez (opens in new tab)
15:30-17:00Session 3 Talks
Plug-and-play physical computing with Jacdac, Steve Hodges (opens in new tab)
How Prototype-to-Production Challenges Can Hinder Inclusive Digital Futures (opens in new tab), Kobi Hartley (opens in new tab)

MicroCode: Talk and Hands-On activity

Conveying physical computing to new audiences with MicroCode

  • Speakers: Judith Bishop, Stellenbosch University and Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research
  • Abstract: Conveying computing principles, especially programming languages, to a new audience has followed a well-trodden road for forty years. We know how to teach university and even middle school students using screens and keyboards. MicroCode breaks the mould because the language is completely different – it is pictorial and reactive, not text-based and predictive; there is no keyboard – maybe a cursor and two buttons; and the screen is minute – if there is one. Yet children younger than 11 years seem to break into this world with ease. Adults, however, have different needs – they want to know what is going on and why, and are responsible for trouble-shooting when things go wrong. We have written textbooks for these languages before, but this is our most ambitious project, and one that focuses on how to convey information needed, in what order, so that it can make sense to both adults and young children. We do not have all the answers yet and are still testing our theories.

Session 1 Talks

Toolkit for Educators in Data Science (TEDS): Using physical computing to support data science education in the primary classroom

  • Speaker: Lorraine Underwood (opens in new tab), PhD Student and Research Associate, Lancaster University, UK
  • Abstract: In an increasingly data-driven world, a core set of data literacy skills are needed to enable individuals and our collective society to make informed decisions. In my research I have combined a novel set of hardware and software tools that empowers primary-aged children to apply the data science lifecycle by collecting, analysing, and visualising their own local environmental data. I ran research studies in three primary schools involving over 130 children. My research shows that: (1) use of our offline, standalone kit empowers teachers to overcome many of the practical issues of delivering data science lessons in schools (2) collecting live data from their local environment provided children with high levels of engagement and purpose, (3) the toolkit promotes cross curricular outdoor learning to teach data science through physical computing.
  • Bio: Lorraine researchers how to utilise physical computing to teach data science to primary aged children and their educators. Avid maker, author and innovator

Using micro:bits to Support Children’s Understanding of Personal Health Data

  • Speaker: Sydney Charitos (opens in new tab), University of Bristol
  • Abstract: In June 2023, we ran four weekly co-design workshops with children aged 10-11 in a local UK primary school, to better understand how they want to visualise personal health data on smartwatches. The second two-hour workshop used micro:bits to support the development of the children’s technical skills, as well as building their familiarity with the project. In this case study we describe the different activities, what worked well and what did not, and how we would adapt the workshop in the future.
  • Bio: University of Bristol PhD Student in Digital Health and Care with a Masters in Electronics and Computer Science. Sydney’s research focuses on using technology to support children in managing their health.

Making Bugs for Learning: How youth can benefit  from designing (and fixing) buggy projects with programmable microcontrollers

  • Speaker: Luis Morales-Navarro (opens in new tab), University of Pennsylvania (Joint work with Deborah A. Fields, and Yasmin B. Kafai)
  • Abstract: Debugging physical computing projects often presents formidable challenges for novice learners, as errors may emerge in both hardware and software and at their intersections. Encountering such complex bugs can generate emotional responses such as fear and anxiety that can lead to disengagement and the avoidance of computing. To address these cognitive and socioemotional challenges, we created Debugging by Design, an 8-hour-long learning activity in which youth create personally relevant buggy textile physical computing projects for their peers to fix. In this presentation, we share findings from two studies conducted in introductory high school computing classes. From a pilot study with 25 students, we report on the types of bugs that students designed: from simple syntactic errors (e.g., missing a semi-colon), semantic issues (e.g., flawed logic in conditional statements), to circuit design bugs (e.g., short circuits and polarity problems). We also share how they engaged in growth mindset practices such as persisting after setbacks and developing comfort with failure. From a quasi-experimental study in eight classrooms with 144 students, we share evidence of changes in students’ thinking about debugging (such as becoming more specific in identifying bugs, considering multiple causes for bugs, and taking into account both software and hardware issues) and in their self-beliefs in relation to computing. We discuss how designing rather than just fixing buggy projects may support students when learning physical computing.
  • Bio: Luis Morales-Navarro is a doctoral student in the Learning Sciences and Technologies program at the University of Pennsylvania. His current research focuses on youth’s computational empowerment and studying novices’ understandings of machine learning systems. Previously he researched and designed tools and environments for learning computing at NYU’s Ability Lab, CMU’s Studio for Creative Inquiry, the Processing Foundation, Fundación Omar Dengo, and Apple.

Session 2 Talks

Physical Computing with MIT App Inventor

  • Speaker: David Kim (opens in new tab), Software Engineer at MIT App Inventor
  • Abstract: Recently the MIT App Inventor team found interest in expanding into teaching kids about physical computing and robotics. The essence of this educational approach is to teach kids how to apply data science, AI, and various programming techniques in practical settings, enabling them to control robots and bring digital concepts into tangible, real-world actions. Here I will show some mobile apps developed via MIT App Inventor that controls some robots connected to a micro:bit.

Explore the Robot Paraeducator service range in Education

  • Speaker: Liqun «Charlotte» Bi (opens in new tab), University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA
  • Abstract: Robots aiding education have been developed for decades. The boom of AI technology, such as Chat GPT 4o, unlocked the human-like conversation response of robots and could potentially do more for students and teachers. With the rising population of autistic children, as a fundamental for children to develop emotional, social, and academic skills, schools are facing significant challenges in providing appropriate services to the students. The article explored the possibility of creating low-profile robot paraeducators to assist teachers and students. The research used the data from a longitude qualitative research of the paraeducator interventions with high-function autistic students in a public middle school in the 2022-2023 school year. The contextual inquiry was collaborated with the school special education teachers, administrators, and class teachers. This study illustrated the overlapping areas of what a paraeducator serves in the class, the acceptance of the interventions, and what a robot can do. The data results were categorized into four themes: 1) trust establishment, 2) disruptive behaviors, 3) study assistance, and 4) social-emotional training. Furthermore, the research mapped the students’ behaviors and what they tried to communicate to the strategies, interventions, and positive reinforcements possibly performed by the robot. And implement the model with typical antecedent, behavior, and consequence scenarios.

Design and Implementation of an Accessory for the micro:bit Board with a Focus on Universal Design Principles

  • Speaker: Maria Josefina Martinez (opens in new tab), Project Manager, R&D Department of Ceibal, Uruguay
  • Abstract: The BBC micro:bit programmable board is used worldwide for educational purposes in primary and secondary schools to teach STEM. However, this device presents various barriers that can hinder its use for individuals with disabilities, whether from a visual, cognitive, or motor perspective. Our project proposes an accessory board for the micro:bit that enables most users to utilize the micro:bit in the same way and enjoy the same experiences. The proposed design is based on the principles of Universal Design. Functionality and hardware design are already completed, while construction and testing with users are in progress.
  • Bio: Josefina Martinez is Project Manager for Accessibility Projects for Children at the R&D Department of Ceibal, a governmental organization dedicated to promoting technological innovation in education. Currently in my final year of Electronics Engineering studies at UCU. Previously volunteered at Teleton and Fundappas, organizations focused on accessibility for the blind, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and individuals with neuromuscular disabilities.

Session 3 Talks

Plug-and-play physical computing with Jacdac

  • Speaker: Steve Hodges (opens in new tab), Distinguished Professor in Computing and Digital Systems, Lancaster University
  • Abstract: We introduce Jacdac, an open-source hardware and software platform that brings the plug-and-play experience of USB to physical computing. It combines an intuitive connector, standardized hardware and software interfaces, a simple bus-based protocol, and integration with Microsoft MakeCode for the micro:bit. This results in an easy-to-use and low-cost solution with the potential to drive engagement and inclusion in physical computing and digital making activities. Jacdac has been integrated into several school education products and we are excited to explore future opportunities for research and adoption in the area of inclusive digital making and crafting for children.
  • Bio: Steve combines hardware engineering and creative design skills with knowledge of emerging and established technologies to conceive novel, inclusive interactive devices. He works at all scales from prototype to production, and his work has contributed to millions of devices with tens of millions of users spanning domains such as education, assistive technologies, mobile devices and the internet of things. He is also a passionate proponent and communicator of technology.

How Prototype-to-Production Challenges Can Hinder Inclusive Digital Futures

  • Speaker: Kobi Hartley (opens in new tab), PhD student, Research Associate at Lancaster University, UK
  • Abstract: Embedded devices are now commonplace, and hardware prototyping toolkits have become a popular approach for hobbyists and professionals to create embedded hardware prototypes. Moving from prototype into small scale manufacture introduces complexity and cost, restricting embedded device development ’beyond the prototype’. This talk will outline types of technology that are particularly perceptible to these challenges such as accessible technologies. One response to these challenges is a process of progressive flattening of initial hardware prototypes into robust single-board circuits. I will introduce MakeDevice, a web-based tool which facilitates this process, lowering some of the technical barriers associated with designing production-ready devices. Given this workflow builds upon existing prototyping tools such as BBC micro:bit and Jacdac, this talk will conclude with exploring possibilities for MicroCode integration.
  • Bio: My work involves exploring novel approaches to prototyping and isotyping embedded hardware as well as challenges in transitioning hardware prototypes to production.