Joint Research Centre Workshop 2021 header image
2021年4月20日 - 2021年5月20日

Joint Research Center Workshop 2021

地点: Virtual

Systems | 19 May | 17:00 – 19:10 CEST

Time (CEST) Session Speaker
17:00–17:05 Welcome Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche​, Microsoft
17:05–17:20 Cloud Confidential Computing | Video Cédric Fournet, Microsoft
17:20–18:00 Systems Session I Chair: Shruti Tople​, Microsoft
Noise*: A library of Verified High-Performance Secure Channel Protocol Implementations | Video Son Ho, INRIA
(collaboration with Karthik Bhargavan, INRIA and Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Cédric Fournet, Florian Grould, Jonathan Protzenko, Nikhil Swamy, Santiago Zanella, Microsoft)
Reasoning about the TLA+ operator ENABLED within TLAPS | Video Ioannis Filippidis, INRIA
(collaboration with Damien Doligez, Stephan Merz, INRIA and Markus Kuppe, Leslie Lamport, Microsoft)
DataScope: Scaling up Data Shapley over Machine Learning Pipelines | Video Bojan Karlaš, ETH Zurich
(collaboration with Ce Zhang, ETH Zurich and Matteo Interlandi, Microsoft)
18:00–18:15 EverCrypt: New Features and Deployments with Election Guard | Video Jonathan Protzenko, Microsoft
18:15–19:10 Systems Session II Chair: Marios Kogias​, Microsoft
HovercRaft: Achieving Scalability and Fault-tolerance for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Services | Video Marios Kogias, Microsoft
(collaboration with Edouard Bugnion, Konstantinos Prasopoulos, EPFL and Dan Ports, Irene Zhang, Microsoft)
Efficient Preparation of Sparse Quantum States Niels Gleinig, ETH Zurich
(collaboration with Torsten Hoefler, Renato Renner, ETH Zurich and Martin Roetteler, Matthias Troyer, Microsoft)
Ultrafast Optical Circuit Switching for Data Centers Using Integrated Soliton Microcombs | Video Arslan Raja, EPFL ​
(collaboration with Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL and Hitesh Ballani, Microsoft)
Synchronous Subnanosecond Clock and Data Recovery for Optically Switched Data Centres using Clock Phase Caching | Video Kari Clark, UCL ​
(collaboration with Polina Bayvel, UCL and Hitesh Ballani, Microsoft)
19:10 Conclusions Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche​, Microsoft