sun setting over mountain ranges in Anchorage, Alaska
August 4, 2019 - August 8, 2019

Microsoft at KDD 2019

Lieu: Anchorage, Alaska

Venue: Dena’ina Convention Center and William Egan Convention Center

Website: KDD 2019 (opens in new tab)

Microsoft is excited to be a Bronze sponsor of the 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. We will have over 30 Microsoft attendees present at the conference. Stop by our booth to chat with our experts, see demos of our latest research and find out about career opportunities with Microsoft.

Find more information about KDD 2019 on Microsoft Academic site:

Microsoft attendees

Andreas Argyriou
Sarah Bird
Johnny Chan
Tom Drabas
Aleksander Fabijan
Shengyu Fu
Johannes Gehrke
Somit Gupta
Juan-Arturo Herrera
Congrui Huang
Pawel Janowski
Li Jiang
Ronny Kohavi
Gopi Kumar
Platina Liu
Yuchao Liu
Vani Mandava
Daniel Miller
Neel Sundaresan
Alexey Svyatkovskiy
Vinitra Swamy
Angus Taylor
Chi Wang
Yujing Wang
Markus Weimer
Xing Xie
Michele Zunker