2014年5月7日 - 2014年5月9日

Latin American Faculty Summit 2014

地点: Viña del Mar, Chile

Conference Venue: Sheraton Miramar Hotel & Convention Center

Past events:
Latin American Faculty Summit 2016
Latin American Faculty Summit 2012
Latin American Faculty Summit 2011
Latin American Faculty Summit 2010
Latin American Faculty Summit 2009

Microsoft Research Latin American Faculty Summit 2014

Keynote Speakers

Tony Hey Surajit Chaudhuri P. Anandan Eduardo Hardy Jonathan Grudin Rico Malvar

Tony Hey
Vice President
Microsoft Research

Surajit Chaudhuri
Distinguished Scientist
Microsoft Research

P. Anandan
Distinguished Scientist & Managing Director of
Microsoft Research India

Eduardo Hardy
Associated Universities Inc., Chile director, US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, ALMA, CCAT

Jonathan Grudin
Principal Researcher
Natural Interaction Group
Microsoft Research

Rico Malvar
Chief Scientist and Distinguished Engineer
Microsoft Research


Viña del Mar, Chile

Microsoft Research hosted the ninth annual Latin American Faculty Summit in Viña del Mar, Chile, May 7 to 9, 2014. The theme of the 2014 summit was Advancing Science and Technology Through Computing Research.

The 2014 Latin American Faculty Summit brought together thought leaders from academia, government, and Microsoft from a broad range of disciplines including computer science, engineering, mathematics, and economics. Participants explored the latest advances in computing research, discussed challenges that the community faces, and investigated the best approaches to address those challenges and identify new research opportunities.

The breadth and depth of the technical areas covered in the program ensured a unique experience, while the event itself provided a venue for meeting with colleagues across the full range of the computing disciplines.

Advancing Science and Technology Through Computing Research

The need to solve real-world problems—whether economic, scientific, or social—has provided the impetus for technological advancements over the years. Computing research and technology provide novel approaches to meet these challenges and to transform many facets of society, from healthcare to education, and from commerce to the environment. Software is experiencing and facilitating rapid changes, demonstrated by novel machine learning algorithms for handling and learning from large data sets, advances in artificial intelligence to enable smarter devices for better natural user interaction, and the growth of cloud services to enable innovative applications, just to name a few.

The computer science community is at the heart of these exciting trends, while multidisciplinary research is at the core of advancements made in sciences for the benefit of society. New developments in the world of computation have changed the scientific landscape by offering new capabilities to scientists interested in increasing their ability to process, visualize, and understand huge amounts of data. And today, computational advantages are being applied to an ever wider range of disciplines.

The program will consist of a variety of keynotes, talks, panels, workshops, and demonstrations.

About Ministerio de Economía

Ministerio de EconomíaMinisterio de Economía (opens in new tab) is the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism in Chile. The mission of the Ministry of Economy is to promote the modernization and competitiveness of the production structure, private initiative and market efficiency, the development of innovation, and strengthening Chile’s economy in the international market. The Ministry of Economy strives to achieve sustained, steady, and equitable economic growth, through the formulation of policies, programs, and instruments, by facilitating the activities of public and private corporations and institutions—national and foreign—that relate to production and the technological development of the country.

As part of its international collaboration agenda and its commitment to promote innovations that facilitate economic and social development, the Ministry of Economy and its National Development Corporation (CORFO (opens in new tab)) are pleased to partner with Microsoft to present the 2014 Microsoft Research Latin American Faculty Summit.

Latin American Faculty Summit host and chairs

Oliver Flögel Jaime Puente Evelyne Viegas Michael Zyskowski

Oliver Flögel
Summit Host
Microsoft Chile

Jaime Puente
Summit Co-Chair
Microsoft Research

Evelyne Viegas
Summit Co-Chair
Microsoft Research

Michael Zyskowski
DemoFest Chair
Microsoft Research