CVPR 2018
2018年6月18日 - 2018年6月22日

Microsoft @ CVPR 2018

地点: Salt Lake City, Utah


Venue: Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center (opens in new tab)

Website: CVPR 2018 (opens in new tab)

Microsoft is proud to be a diamond sponsor of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) June 18 – 22 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Please visit us at booth 537 to chat with our experts, see demos of our latest research and find out about career opportunities with Microsoft.

Program Committee members

Marc Pollefeys – Robust Vision Challenge Organizers
Sing Bing Kang, Stephen Lin, Sebastian Nowozin, and Wenjun Zeng – NTIRE 2018 Program Committee
Gang Hua – PBVS 2018 Program Committee
Daniel McDuff – CVPM 2018 Program Co-Chair
Timnit Gebru – CV-COPS 2018 Program Committee
Zhengyou Zhang – Sight and Sound Workshop Organizers


New from HoloLens: Research Mode
Tuesday | 1:30 – 2:50 | Room 151 – ABCG

Marc Pollefeys, Pawel Olszta

Software Engineering in Computer Vision Systems
Friday | 8:30 – 12:30 | Ballroom C

David Doria, Tim Franklin, Matt Turek, Jan Ernst, Wei Xia, Stephen Miller, Ben Kadlec


The Fifth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
Friday | 9:00 – 5:00 | Room 151 A-C

Why FGVC5 Folks Should be Interested in the Microsoft AI for Earth Program
9:45 – 10:00
Dan Morris

Microsoft attendees

Aijun Bai
Luca Ballan
Mićo Banović
Federica Bogo
Bogdan Burlacu
Nick Burton
Ishani Chakraborty
Temo Chalasani
Dong Chen
Xi Chen
Arti Chhajta
John Corring
Jifeng Dai
Qi Dai
Mandar Dixit
Liang Du
Nan Duan
Xin Duan
Goran Dubajic
Andrew Fitzgibbon
Dinei Florencio
Jianlong Fu
Sean Goldberg
Yandong Guo
Han Hu
Houdong Hu
Gang Hua
Qiuyuan Huang
Sing Bing Kang
Nikolaos Karianakis
Noboru Kuno
Nabil Lathiff
Kuang-Huei Lee
Xing Li
Olga Liakhovich
Tongliang Liao
Stephen Lin
Zicheng Liu
Yan Lu
Chong Luo
Daniel McDuff
Meenaz Merchant
Leonardo Nunes
Marc Pollefeys
Tao Qin
Arun Sacheti
Pablo Sala
Harpreet Sawhney
Pramod Sharma
Yelong Shen
Jamie Shotton
Yale Song
Baochen Sun
Xiaoyan Sun
Ravi Theja Yada
Ali Osman Ulusoy
Hamidreza Vaezi Joze
Alon Vinnikov
Baoyuan Wang
Jianfeng Wang
Jingdong Wang
Lijuan Wang
Zhe Wang
Zhirong Wu
Jiaolong Yang
Ting Yao
Sang Ho Yoon
Quanzeng You
Cha Zhang
Lei Zhang
Mingxue Zhang
Pengchuan Zhang
Ting Zhang
Yatao Zhong
Xiaoyong Zhu