Microsoft at SIGIR 2018
2018年7月8日 - 2018年7月12日

Microsoft @ SIGIR 2018

地点: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA


Venue: Michigan League (opens in new tab) (Location on Campus Map (opens in new tab))

Website: SIGIR 2018 (opens in new tab)

SIGIR is a major international forum for presentation of the latest state-of-the-art research and demonstration of new systems and methods for connecting people with information: from Web search engines, recommender systems, and social network technology to compelling applications in health, legal, educational, and other domains, research at SIGIR spans both academia and industry.

Program Committee members

Paul Bennett (opens in new tab), Short Paper Chair
Jianfeng Gao (opens in new tab), AI Track Co-chair

Invited Speakers

Distributional Representation of Complex Semantics (Keynote at KG4IR workshop (opens in new tab))
Kuansan Wang (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research

Lessons from Building a Large-scale Commercial IR-based Chatbot for an Emerging Market
Puneet Agrawal and Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla, Microsoft

Causal Inference over Longitudinal Data to Support Expectation Exploration
Emre Kiciman (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research

Search and Recommendation in the Enterprise (opens in new tab)
Paul Bennett (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research


Learning from Limit/Noisy data for IR (opens in new tab)
Hamed Zamani (UMass Amherst), Mostafa Dehghani (Univ. of Amsterdam), Fernando Diaz (Microsoft Research – Montreal), Hang Li (Toutiao AI Lab), Nick Craswell (Microsoft)

Microsoft attendees

Amjad Abu-Jbara, Microsoft
Omar Alonso, Microsoft
Ahmed Awadallah (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research
Paul Bennett (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research
Edward Cui, Microsoft
Weiwei Deng, Microsoft
Fernando Diaz, Microsoft Research – Montreal
Susan Dumais (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research
Adam Fourney (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research AI
Emre Kiciman (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research
Xiaoliang Ling, Microsoft
Pawel Pietrusinski, Microsoft
Mona Soliman Habib, Microsoft
Hui Su, Microsoft

Career Opportunities

ML Engineer (opens in new tab)

AI & Research (AI&R) at Hyderabad, India comprises of highly motivated researchers, engineers, product managers and data-scientists building end-to-end web-scale and enterprise-scale AI systems. We seek talented, energetic, creative and passionate ML engineers with ability to enhance and apply research to ship and build high-quality products and services.