a group of people standing in front of a crowd posing for the camera
October 3, 2019 - October 4, 2019

Mixed Reality and AI Zurich Lab Launch

Lieu: Zurich, Switzerland

This was an invite-only event at the Mixed Reality & AI Zurich Lab.

Contact us: For further information regarding this event please contact us via swissjrc@microsoft.com.

Microsoft scientists as well as collaborators from ETH Zurich, EPFL, and Inria presented talks and demos at the scientific launch of the Mixed Reality & AI Zurich Lab (opens in new tab). Watch the video of special guest speaker, Alex Kipman, Inventor & Technical Fellow at Microsoft, who discusses the science and technology behind the HoloLens in his talk “HoloLens 2: Unpacked (opens in new tab)”.

Computer vision is a key enabling technology for Mixed Reality and a core part of Artificial Intelligence. Computer Vision allows robots and devices like the HoloLens to localise themselves and map their surroundings. These capabilities are critical to provide useful contextual information and facilitate effective collaboration between humans and machines.

With his team of scientists from all around the world, Prof. Marc Pollefeys, Head of the Institute for Visual Computing of the Dept. of Computer Science of ETH Zurich, brings together research and practical development. With this lab and the close collaboration with ETH Zurich, Microsoft Switzerland helps ensure that the innovations that are created in Switzerland are carried out into the world and applied in products and services that empower individuals and organizations around the world to achieve more.