View of Vancouver and the Vancouver Convention Center
2019年12月8日 - 2019年12月14日

Microsoft at NeurIPS 2019

地点: Vancouver, Canada



Monday, December 9

8:30 AM–10:30 AM | West Hall C + B3
Imitation Learning and its Application to Natural Language Generation (opens in new tab)
Kyunghyun Cho, Hal Daumé III (opens in new tab)

2:45 PM–4:45 PM | West Hall C + B3
Reinforcement Learning: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives (opens in new tab)
Katja Hofmann (opens in new tab)


Sunday, December 8

9:00 AM–1:00 PM | West 208-209
Vowpal Wabbit for real world reinforcement learning
Organizers: John Langford (opens in new tab), Rodrigo Kumpera (opens in new tab), Jack Gerrits (opens in new tab), Yann Stadnicki (opens in new tab), Marco Rossi (opens in new tab)

Monday, December 9

2:00 PM–5:00 PM | East 8 + 15
Queer in AI (opens in new tab)
Co-organizers: Andrew McNamara (opens in new tab), Luke Stark (opens in new tab)
Panelist: Hanna Wallach (opens in new tab)

6:30 PM–8:00 PM | East Exhibition Hall B | Joint Affinity Groups Poster Session (opens in new tab)

Co-opNet: Cooperative Generator-Discriminator Networks for Abstractive Summarization with Narrative Flow
Saadia Gabriel, Antoine Bosselut, Ari Holtzman, Jan Buys, Kyle Lo, Asli Celikyilmaz (opens in new tab), Yejin Choi

Non-Monotonic Sequential Text Generation
Kianté Brantley, Hal Daumé III (opens in new tab), Kyunghyun Cho, Sean Welleck

Queering AI Ethics Pedagogy and Practice
Luke Stark (opens in new tab), Blake W Hawkins

7:00 AM–8:00 PM | East Hall C
Women in Machine Learning (opens in new tab)
Co-organizer: Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh (opens in new tab)

An all-in-one network for dehazing and beyond
Boyi Li, Xiulian Peng (opens in new tab), Zhangyang Wang, Jizheng Xu, Dan Feng

Debunking Debiasing: A Critique of Bias Measurement in NLP
Su Lin Blodgett, Hanna Wallach (opens in new tab), Hal Daumé III (opens in new tab), Solon Barocas (opens in new tab)

Efficient Data Deletion from Learned Models and Privacy Implications
Mary Anne Smart, James Zou, Zachary Izzo, Kamalika Chaudhuri

Identification of Patterns in Cystic Fibrosis Physiotheraphy with Unsupervised Learning
Olga Liakhovich (opens in new tab), Mihaela Curmei, Tempest van Schaik (opens in new tab), Bianca Furtuna (opens in new tab), Eleanor Main, Emma Raywood, Nicole Filipow, Kunal Kapoor, Helen Douglas

Industrial Audio Classification with Music Domain Features
Patricia A Ryan (opens in new tab), Chenhao Yang

Multi-model Deep Networks for Metastatic Cancert Detection using Biopsy Lymph Node Images
Azadeh Mobasher (opens in new tab), Amin Mobasher

Thursday, December 12

7:00 PM–10:00 PM | West 220 – 222
{Dis}Ability in AI (opens in new tab)
Panelist: Costis Daskalakis, Katherine Heller, Emtiyaz Khan, Hugo Larochelle, Negar Rostamzadeh, Hanna Wallach (opens in new tab)

Friday, December 13

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 215 + 216
CiML 2019: Machine Learning Competitions for All (opens in new tab)
Adrienne Mendrik, Wei-Wei Tu, Isabelle Guyon, Evelyne Viegas (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West Exhibition Hall A
Graph Representation Learning (opens in new tab)

Building Dynamic Knowledge Graphs from Text-based Games
Mikuláš Zelinka, Xingdi Yuan (opens in new tab), Marc-Alexandre Côté (opens in new tab), Romain Laroche (opens in new tab), Adam Trischler (opens in new tab)

8:20 AM–6:30 PM | West 223 – 224
Human-Centric Machine Learning (opens in new tab)

Do Machine Teachers Dream of Algorithms?
Gonzalo Ramos (opens in new tab), Christopher Meek (opens in new tab), Jina Suh (opens in new tab), Soroush Ghorashi (opens in new tab), Felicia Ng, Nicole Sultanum

Weight of Evidence as a Basis for Human-Oriented Explanations
David Alvarez-Melis (opens in new tab), Hal Daumé III (opens in new tab), Jennifer Wortman Vaughan (opens in new tab), Hanna Wallach (opens in new tab)

What Is a Proxy and Why Is It a Problem?
Margarita Boyarskaya, Solon Barocas (opens in new tab), Hanna Wallach (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 109 + 110
KR2ML – Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Meets Machine Learning (opens in new tab)

Channel Decomposition into Painting Actions
Shih-Chieh Su (opens in new tab)

Mind The Facts: Knowledge-Boosted Coherent Abstractive Text Summarization
Beliz Gunel (opens in new tab), Chenguang Zhu (opens in new tab), Michael Zeng (opens in new tab), Xuedong Huang (opens in new tab)

TP-N2F: Tensor Product Representation for Natural To Formal Language Generation
Kezhen Chen (opens in new tab), Qiuyuan Huang (opens in new tab), Hamid Palangi (opens in new tab), Paul Smolensky (opens in new tab), Kenneth D. Forbus, Jianfeng Gao (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:40 PM | West Ballroom A
Machine Learning for Health (ML4H): What makes machine learning in medicine different? (opens in new tab)
Andrew Beam, Tristan Naumann (opens in new tab), Brett Beaulieu-Jones, Madalina Fiterau, Irene Y Chen, Samuel G Finlayson, Emily Alsentzer
Co-organizer: Stephanie Hyland (opens in new tab)
Senior Advisory Committee Member: Tristan Naumann (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 121 + 122
ML for the Developing World (ML4D) (opens in new tab)

Risks of Using Non-verified Open Data: A case study on using Machine Learning techniques for predicting Pregnancy Outcomes in India
Anusua Trivedi (opens in new tab), Sumit Mukherjee (opens in new tab), Edmund Tse (opens in new tab), Anne Ewing (opens in new tab), Juan Lavista Ferres (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | East Meeting Rooms 11 + 12
MLSys: Workshop on Systems for ML (opens in new tab)
Aparna Lakshmiratan, Siddhartha Sen (opens in new tab), Joseph Gonzalez, Dan Crankshaw, Sarah Bird (opens in new tab)

Compiling Classical ML Pipelines into Tensor Computations for One-size-fits-all Prediction Serving
Supun Nakandala, Gyeong-In Yu, Markus Weimer (opens in new tab), Matteo Interlandi (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 114 + 115
Retrospectives: A Venue for Self-Reflection in ML Research (opens in new tab)
Ryan Lowe, Yoshua Bengio, Joelle Pineau, Michela Paganini, Jessica Forde, Shagun Sodhani, Abhishek Gupta (opens in new tab), Joel Lehman, Peter Henderson, Kanika Madan

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 205 – 207
Robust AI in Financial Services: Data, Fairness, Explainability, Trustworthiness, and Privacy (opens in new tab)

The Hidden Assumptions Behind Counterfactual Explanations and Principal Reasons
Solon Barocas (opens in new tab), Andrew Selbst, Manish Raghavan

8:00 AM–6:40 AM | East Ballroom A
Safety and Robustness in Decision-making (opens in new tab)

Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems with Probabilistic Safety Barrier Certificates
Wenhao Luo, Ashish Kapoor (opens in new tab)

Saturday, December 14

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | East Meeting Rooms 11 + 12
AI for Social Good (opens in new tab)
Fei Fang, Joseph Bullock, Marc-Antoine Dilhac, Brian P Green, Natalie Saltiel, Dhaval Adjodah, Jack Clark, Sean McGregor, Margaux Luck, Jonathan Penn, Tristan Sylvain, Geneviève Boucher, Sydney Swaine-Simon, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Myriam Côté, Anna Bethke, Yoshua Bengio, Abhishek Gupta (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:30 PM | West Exhibition Hall A
Bridging Game Theory and Deep Learning (opens in new tab)

Collaborative Machine Learning Markets
Olga Ohrimenko (opens in new tab), Shruti Tople (opens in new tab), Sebastian Tschiatschek (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 217 – 219
Context and Compositionality in Biological and Artificial Neural Systems (opens in new tab)

Factoring Content and Form in Explicitly Compositional Vector Representations
Paul Smolensky (opens in new tab)

Enhancing the Transformer with Explicit Relational Encoding for Math Problem Solving
Imanol Schlag, Paul Smolensky (opens in new tab), Roland Fernandez (opens in new tab), Nebojsa Jojic (opens in new tab), Jürgen Schmidhuber, Jianfeng Gao (opens in new tab)

Uncovering the compositional structure of vector representations with Role Learning Networks
Paul Soulos, R. Thomas McCoy, Tal Linzen, Paul Smolensky (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West Ballroom C
“Do the right thing”: machine learning and causal inference for improved decision making (opens in new tab)
Michele Santacatterina, Thorsten Joachims, Nathan Kallus, Adith Swaminathan (opens in new tab), David Sontag, Angela Zhou

Causal Transfer Random Forest: Leveraging Observational and Randomization Studies
Shuxi Zeng, Emre Kıcıman (opens in new tab), Denis Charles (opens in new tab), Joel Pfeiffer (opens in new tab), Murat Ali Bayir (opens in new tab)

Preserving Causal Constraints in Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Classifiers
Divyat Mahajan (opens in new tab), Amit Sharma (opens in new tab)

Robust Neural Network for Causal Invariant Features Extraction
Shuxi Zeng, Pengchuan Zhang (opens in new tab), Denis Charles (opens in new tab), Eren Manavoglu (opens in new tab), Emre Kıcıman (opens in new tab)

Using a causal inference approach to measure the impact of a customer’s attribute on product retention A case study on Microsoft Teams collaborative app
Marie-Laure Charpignon, Liz Manrao (opens in new tab), Kamal Choudhary (opens in new tab), John Hoegger (opens in new tab), MinKyoung Kang (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 208 + 209
Document Intelligence (opens in new tab)
Nigel Duffy, Rama Akkiraju, Tania Bedrax Weiss, Paul Bennett (opens in new tab), Hamid Reza Motahari-Nezhad

Learning Structure for Text Generation
Asli Celikyilmaz (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–7:00 PM | West Exhibition Hall C
Deep Reinforcement Learning (opens in new tab)

DRIFT: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Functional Software Testing
Luke Harries, Rebekah Clarke, Timothy Chapman (opens in new tab), Swamy Nallamalli (opens in new tab), Levent Ozgur (opens in new tab), Shuktika Jain (opens in new tab), Alex Leung (opens in new tab), Steve Lim (opens in new tab), Aaron Dietrich (opens in new tab), Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato (opens in new tab), Tom Ellis (opens in new tab), Cheng Zhang (opens in new tab), Kamil Ciosek (opens in new tab)

Interactive Fiction Games: A Colossal Adventure
Matthew Hausknecht (opens in new tab), Prithviraj V Ammanabrolu, Marc-Alexandre Côté (opens in new tab), Xingdi Yuan (opens in new tab)

9:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 118 – 120
Emergent Communication: Towards Natural Language (opens in new tab)

Playing log(N)-Questions over Sentences
Peter Potash (opens in new tab), Kaheer Suleman (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | East Ballroom B
Fair ML in Healthcare (opens in new tab)
Senior Advisory Committee Member: Tristan Naumann (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 211 – 214
Learning Transferable Skills (opens in new tab)
Invited Speaker: Katja Hofmann (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | East 1 – 3
Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving (opens in new tab)

Multi-Agent Connected Autonomous Driving using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Praveen Palanisamy (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West Ballroom B
Machine Learning with Guarantees (opens in new tab)

No-Regret and Incentive-Compatible Prediction with Expert Advice
Rupert Freeman (opens in new tab), David Pennock (opens in new tab), Chara Podimata, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:45 PM | West 301 – 305
Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS (opens in new tab)

Binary Mode Multinomial Deep Learning Model for more efficient Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Anusua Trivedi (opens in new tab), J. Desbiens, Ron Gross, S. Gupta, Juan Lavista Ferres (opens in new tab), Rahul Dodhia (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 202 – 204
ML For Systems (opens in new tab)

Reinforcement learning for bandwidth estimation and congestion control in real-time communications
Joyce Fang (opens in new tab), Martin Ellis (opens in new tab), Bin Li (opens in new tab), Siyao Liu, Yasaman Hosseinkashi (opens in new tab), Michael Revow (opens in new tab), Albert Sadovnikov (opens in new tab), Ziyuan Liu (opens in new tab), Peng Cheng (opens in new tab), Sachin Ashok (opens in new tab), David Zhao (opens in new tab), Ross Cutler (opens in new tab), Yan Lu (opens in new tab), Johannes Gehrke (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 121 – 122
Science meets Engineering of Deep Learning (opens in new tab)

Non Gaussianity of Stochastic Gradient Noise
Abhishek Panigrahi (opens in new tab), Raghav Somani, Navin Goyal (opens in new tab), Praneeth Netrapalli (opens in new tab)

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | East Ballroom C
Tackling Climate Change with ML (opens in new tab)
David Rolnick, Alexandre Lacoste, Tegan Maharaj, Priya Donti, Lynn Kaack, John Platt, Jennifer Chayes (opens in new tab), Yoshua Bengio
Invited Speaker: Lester Mackey (opens in new tab)

Enhancing Stratospheric Weather Analyses and Forecasts by Deploying Sensors from a Weather Balloon
Kiwan Maeng, Iskender Kushan (opens in new tab), Brandon Lucia, Ashish Kapoor (opens in new tab)

Helping Reduce Environmental Impact of Aviation with Machine Learning
Ashish Kapoor (opens in new tab)

Panel: Climate Change and AI
Yoshua Bengio, Andrew Ng, Carla Gomes, Lester Mackey (opens in new tab), Jeff Dean

8:00 AM–6:00 PM | West 205 – 207
The third Conversational AI workshop – today’s practice and tomorrow’s potential (opens in new tab)
Alborz Geramifard, Jason Williams, Matt Henderson, Luis Lastras, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Mari Ostendorf, Milica Gasic, Asli Celikyilmaz (opens in new tab)

9:00 AM–11:00 AM | West 116 – 117 | Workshop – Competition Track Day 2
The MineRL Competition (opens in new tab)
Co-organizers: William H. Guss, Mario Ynocente Castro, Cayden Codel, Katja Hofmann (opens in new tab), Brandon Houghton, Noboru Kuno (opens in new tab), Crissman Loomis, Keisuke Nakata, Stephanie Milani, Sharada Mohanty, Diego Perez Liebana, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Shinya Shiroshita, Nicholay Topin, Avinash Ummadisingu, Manuela Veloso, Phillip Wang

4:15 PM | West 116 – 117 | Competition
Game of Drones Competition (opens in new tab)
Matthew Brown, Guada Casuso (opens in new tab), Eric Cristofalo, Darius Garza (opens in new tab), Nicholas Gyde, Ashish Kapoor (opens in new tab), Ratnesh Madaan (opens in new tab), Keiko Nagami, Jim Piavis (opens in new tab), Davide Scaramuzza, Mac Schwager, Tim Taubner, Sai Vemprala (opens in new tab)