illustrated icons related to artificial intelligence for Microsoft's involvement at NeurIPS 2020
2020年12月6日 - 2020年12月12日

Microsoft at NeurIPS 2020

地点: Virtual

Sunday, December 6

10:00 PT | Workshop
Real World RL with Vowpal Wabbit: Beyond Contextual Bandits
Jacob Alber, John Langford, Rafah Hosn

14:00 PT | Talk
The Unpaved Path of Deploying Reliable and Human-Centered Machine Learning Systems
Besmira Nushi

Monday, December 7

06:00 – 12:30 PT | Workshop
Black in AI
Mentorship Roundtable Hosts: Danielle Belgrave, Hanna Wallach, Jenn Wortman Vaughan

08:00–10:30 PT | Tutorial
Advances in Approximate Inference
Yingzhen Li, Cheng Zhang

Tuesday, December 8

12:00–16:00 PT | Symposium
COVID-19 Symposium Day 1
Andrew Beam, Tristan Naumann, Katherine Heller, Elaine Nsoesie

Wednesday, December 9

01:40 – 18:00 PT | Workshop
Women in Machine Learning
Diversity & Inclusion Co-chair: Danielle Belgrave
Area Chair: Besmira Nushi
Mentorship Roundtable Hosts: Chris Bishop, Danielle Belgrave, Emma Pierson, Jenn Wortman Vaughan, John Langford, Kate Crawford, Nicolo Fusi, Sham Kakade, Stephanie Hyland, Susan Dumais

12:00–16:00 PT | Symposium
COVID-19 Symposium Day 2
Andrew Beam, Tristan Naumann, Katherine Heller, Elaine Nsoesie

Friday, December 11

06:50–16:50 PT | Workshop
Causal Discovery and Causality-Inspired Machine Learning
Biwei Huang, Sara Magliacane, Kun Zhang, Danielle Belgrave, Elias Bareinboim, Daniel Malinsky, Thomas Richardson, Christopher Meek, Peter Spirtes, Bernhard Schölkopf

06:00–16:20 PT | Workshop
Machine Learning for Health: Advancing Healthcare for All
Stephanie Hyland, Emily Alsentzer, Andrew Beam, Brett Beaulieu-Jones, Danielle Belgrave, Allen Schmaltz, Irene Y Chen, Anna Goldenberg, Matthew McDermott, Tristan Naumann, Charles Onu

08:30–21:00 PT | Workshop
ML Retrospectives, Surveys & meta-Analyses 
Chhavi Yadav, Prabhu Pradhan, Abhishek Gupta, Ryan Lowe, Peter Henderson, Jessica Forde Jessica Forde, Mayoore Jaiswal, Jesse Dodge

Saturday, December 12

Machine Learning For Systems | Workshop
Accepted paper: Resonance: Replacing Software Constants with Context-Aware Models in Real-time Communication
Jayant Gupchup, Ashkan Aazami, Yaran Fan, Senja Filipi, Tom Finley, Scott Inglis, Marcus Asteborg, Luke Caroll, Rajan Chari, Markus Cozowicz, Vishak Gopal, Vinod Prakash, Sasikanth Bendapudi, Jack Gerrits, Eric Lau, Huazhou Liu, Marco Rossi, Dima Slobodianyk, Dmitri Birjukov, Matty Cooper, Nilesh Javar, Dmitriy Perednya, Sriram Srinivasan, John Langford, Ross Cutler, Johannes Gehrke

04:45–14:45 PT | Workshop
I Can’t Believe it is Not Better: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Empiricism in Probabilistic Machine Learning
Jessica Zosa Forde, Francisco Ruiz, Melanie F. Pradier, Aaron Schein, Finale Doshi-Velez, David Blei, Hanna Wallach

05:20–12:55 PT | Workshop
Cooperative AI
Thore Graepel, Dario Amodei, Vincent Conitzer, Allan Dafoe, Gillian Hadfield, Eric Horvitz, Sarit Kraus, Kate Larson, Yoram Bachrach

05:30–15:00 PT | Workshop
Navigating the Broader Impacts of AI Research
Accepted paper: Overcoming Failures of Imagination in AI Infused System Development and Deployment
Carolyn Ashurst, Rosie Campbell, Deborah Raji, Solon Barocas, Stuart Russell

06:00–15:00 PT | Workshop
Wordplay: When Language Meets Games
Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Matthew HausknechtXingdi YuanMarc-Alexandre CôtéAdam Trischler, Kory Mathewson, John Urbanek, Jason Weston, Mark Riedl

08:50–18:40 PT | Workshop
Self-Supervised Learning – Theory and Practice
Accepted paper: Make Lead Bias in Your Favor: Zero-shot Abstractive News Summarization
Chenguang Zhu, Ziyi Yang, Robert Gmyr, Michael Zeng, Xuedong Huang