2020年8月3日 - 2020年8月5日

New Future of Work

9:00 AM–12:00 PM PDT (inclusive of breaks)

地点: Virtual/Online

Join us on social with #NFW2020

Monday, August 3, 2020 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM PDT

Time (PDT) Session Title Speaker / Talk Title
9:00 AM–9:05 AM Welcome Sean Rintel (opens in new tab), Microsoft and Gloria Mark (opens in new tab), UC Irvine
9:05 AM–9:10 AM Opening Keynote Intro Gloria Mark (opens in new tab)
9:10 AM–9:55 AM Opening Keynote (opens in new tab)
Resources (opens in new tab)
Susan David (opens in new tab), Harvard Medical School
Build your Emotional Agility in Turbulent Times

with Fireside Chat facilitated by Sean Rintel (opens in new tab) and Gloria Mark (opens in new tab)

9:55 AM–10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM–10:05 AM Invited Plenary Intro Gloria Mark (opens in new tab)
10:05 AM–11:05 AM Invited Plenary
[Video (opens in new tab)]
Judy Olson (opens in new tab), UC Irvine
How To Make Distance Work Work

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang (opens in new tab), Stanford University
Pandemics, The 4-Day Week, and the Future of Work

Jim Hollan (opens in new tab), UC San Diego
Beyond Application and Document-Centered Views of Information

Thomas W. Malone (opens in new tab), MIT
Minglr: Supporting ad-hoc, private conversations online

11:05 AM–11:10 AM Transition
11:10 AM–12:00 PM Attendee Networking Registered attendees can find details in the Networking channel
12:00 PM End of Day 1 formal agenda Optionally continue discussions in Teams channels

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Time (PDT) Session Title Speaker / Talk Title
9:00 AM–9:05 AM Panel Intro Sean Rintel (opens in new tab) and Gloria Mark (opens in new tab)
9:05 AM–9:55 AM A Conversation About An Inclusive Future of Work (opens in new tab)
[Video (opens in new tab)]
Tawanna Dillahunt (opens in new tab), University of Michigan

Stuart Duff (opens in new tab), Pearn Kandola

Melissa Gregg (opens in new tab), Intel

Oliver Haimson (opens in new tab), University of Michigan

9:55 AM–10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM–11:05 AM Highlighted Talks Track 1

Facilitator: Gloria Mark

Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University
COVID and Working From Home

Daniel M Ravid, Jerod White, Dave Tomczak, Ahleah Miles & Tara Behrend, George Washington University and Purdue University
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Digital Surveillance of Workers: A Psychology Focused Approach

Vedant Das Swain, Koustuv Saha, Gregory Abowd & Munmun De Choudhury, Georgia Institute of Technology
Social and Ubiquitous Technologies for Remote Worker Wellbeing and Productivity in a Post-Pandemic World

Longqi Yang, Sonia Jaffe, David Holtz, Siddharth Suri, Shilpi Sinha, Jeffrey Weston, Connor Joyce, Neha Shah, Kevin Sherman, CJ Lee, Brent Hecht & Jaime Teevan, Microsoft and MIT
How Work From Home Affects Collaboration: A Large-Scale Study of Information Workers in a Natural Experiment During COVID-19

Track 2

Facilitator: Sean Rintel

Joshua McVeigh-Schultz & Katherine Isbister, SFSU and UC Santa Cruz
VR in Workplace Meetings: Learning from Social VR in ‘The Wild’

John Tang, Microsoft
Early Indicators of the Effect of the Global Shift to Remote Work on People with Disabilities

Julia Markel & Philip Guo, UC San Diego
Designing the Future of Experiential Learning Environments for a Post-COVID World: A Preliminary Case Study

Saiph Savage & Mohammad Jarrahi, Microsoft and UNC Chapel Hill
Solidarity and A.I. for Transitioning to Crowd Work during COVID-19

11:05 AM–11:10 AM Break
11:10 AM–12:00 PM Themed Discussions (opens in new tab) Themed discussions will involve generating visions of research, policy, technology, and practice for specific issues in the New Future of Work.

Accepted papers will form the background for these discussions. Each session will start with prerecorded paper videos being played by a facilitator (with authors answering questions in text chat during their video), followed by the group exploring answers to a short series of questions (which will be provided).

To find out which papers have been assigned as background for theme, please see the Themes breakdown (opens in new tab).

There are two sessions for each theme (one per day on August 4 and 5) and same questions will guide discussion. Participants should feel free to either stay in one theme or move around between themes. To keep the meetings at reasonably equal sizes, we ask participants to sign up for sessions on both days in the General channel of the New Future of Work Symposium team.

Communication: Videoconferencing, Virtual Reality, social media, communication contexts, experiences, and practices

Education: Experiences, organisations, policies, preparing the workforces of the future

Employment: Hiring, onboarding, management, freelancing, on-demand, crowdwork, gig work

Hybridity: Blending physical and digital experiences, workspaces, managing local and remote

Inclusion: Accessibility, diversity, fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics

Productivity: Collaboration, measurement, practices, information management

Remote Work: Working from home, working from anywhere, distributed teams

Society: Public policy, business, economics, health, societal implications and confounding factors

Wellbeing: Work-life balance, social connection and isolation

12:00 PM End of Day 2 formal agenda Optionally continue discussions in Teams channels

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 – 9:00 AM-12:00PM PDT

Time (PDT) Session Title Speaker / Talk Title
9:00 AM–9:05 AM Closing Keynote Intro Sean Rintel (opens in new tab)
9:05 AM–9:50 AM Closing Keynote (opens in new tab)
[Video (opens in new tab)]
Devon Powers (opens in new tab), Temple University
Futures for Whom?

moderated by Sean Rintel (opens in new tab) and Gloria Mark (opens in new tab)

9:50 AM–10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM–10:45 AM Themed Discussions (opens in new tab) Accepted papers will form the background for these discussions. Each session will start with prerecorded paper videos being played by a facilitator (with authors answering questions in text chat during their video), followed by the group exploring answers to a short series of questions (which will be provided).

To find out which papers have been assigned as background for theme, please see the Themes breakdown (opens in new tab).

Communication: Videoconferencing, Virtual Reality, social media, communication contexts, experiences, and practices

Education: Experiences, organisations, policies, preparing the workforces of the future

Employment: Hiring, onboarding, management, freelancing, on-demand, crowdwork, gig work

Hybridity: Blending physical and digital experiences, workspaces, managing local and remote

Inclusion: Accessibility, diversity, fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics

Productivity: Collaboration, measurement, practices, information management

Remote Work: Working from home, working from anywhere, distributed teams

Society: Public policy, business, economics, health, societal implications and confounding factors

Wellbeing: Work-life balance, social connection and isolation

10:45 AM–11:00 AM Individual Reflections Registered Participants: As a way of helping you record your reflections on the symposium, and also providing the organisers to collate and discuss in the closing plenary, there is a link to an Individual Reflections form in the General channel. If you do not attend the full symposium, send it right before you leave so that your thoughts can be included. We have set aside this 15 minutes, after the final content session, for you to finalise your form, but you can start it anytime beforehand.
11:00 AM–11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM-12:00 PM Closing Plenary Sean Rintel (opens in new tab); Gloria Mark (opens in new tab); Shamsi Iqbal (opens in new tab), Microsoft; Loren Terveen (opens in new tab), University of Minnesota; and other presenters TBC.
12:00 PM End of Day 3 formal agenda Optionally continue discussions in Teams channels