2020年11月4日 - 2020年11月6日

Microsoft at OSDI 2020

地点: Virtual/Online

Website: OSDI 2020 (opens in new tab)

Microsoft is proud to be a silver sponsor of the 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation. See more details on our contributions on the sessions tab.

Live chat with us

Join us for “Ask Me Anything”(AMA) sessions in the Microsoft Slack Channel during these times:

Wednesday, November 4
Time (PST) Name
4:00 PM–5:00 PM Dan Ports
Irene Zhang
Lidong Zhou
Thursday, November 5
Time (PST) Name
6:00 AM–7:00 AM Dushyanth Narayanan
04:00 PM–05:00 PM Lidong Zhou
Ricardo Bianchini
Friday, November 6
Time (PST) Name
06:00 AM–07:00 AM Yingnong Dang
Aleksandar Dragojevic
03:30 PM–04:30 PM Abhisek Pan
Ishai Menache
Sebastian Burckhardt

Program Committee members

Andrew Baumann
Chris Hawblitzel
Jay Lorch
Madan Musuvathi
Dan Ports
Irene Zhang
Lidong Zhou