rectangles different shades of purple pattern for the Platform for Situated Intelligence Workshop
2021年4月27日 - 2021年4月28日

Platform for Situated Intelligence Workshop

9:00 AM-1:30 PM (PST)

地点: Virtual

*All times are displayed in Pacific Time (UTC -08:00).

Day 1 | April 27, 2021

9:00 AM–9:10 AM Welcome and Workshop overview | Video Dan Bohus and Sean Andrist
9:10 AM–9:25 AM Opening remarks | Video Eric Horvitz
9:25 AM–10:00 AM Platform for Situated Intelligence overview + Q&A | Video Dan Bohus
10:00 AM–10:45 AM Platform for Situated Intelligence: A coding tutorial + Q&A | Video Dan Bohus
10:45 AM–11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM–12:00 PM Multimodal data visualization and annotation with Platform for Situated Intelligence Studio + Q&A | Video Sean Andrist
12:00 PM-12:30 PM Lunch break
12:30 PM–1:30 PM Building an open-source community (panel discussion) | Video Sean Andrist, Dan Bohus, Daniel McDuff, Mohammad Soleymani, Kalin Stefanov, Zhi Tan, Willie Wilson

Day 2 | April 28, 2021

9:00 AM–9:05 AM Welcome back for day 2 | Video Sean Andrist
9:05 AM–9:50 AM Debugging and diagnostics + Q&A | Video Nick Saw
9:50 AM–10:30 AM Interoperating with Python + Q&A | Video Ashley Feniello
10:30 AM–10:45 AM Break
10:45 AM–11:20 AM Interoperating with ROS + Q&A | Video Ashley Feniello
11:20 AM–11:45 AM Interoperating with HoloLens 2 + Q&A | Video Dan Bohus
11:45 AM–12:15 PM Interoperating with Teams + Q&A | Video Sean Andrist
12:15 PM–12:45 PM Lunch break
12:45 PM–1:15 PM A toolkit for Situated Interactive applications | Video Sean Andrist
1:15 PM–1:30 PM Closing remarks | Video Dan Bohus and Sean Andrist