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Research for Industry at Research Summit 2021

地点: Virtual


Website: Microsoft Research Summit 2021 (opens in new tab)

Research for Industry at Microsoft Research Summit

For 30 years, our research community at Microsoft has worked across disciplines, institutions, and geographies to envision and realize the promise of new technologies for Microsoft and for society. Today, we’re inviting the global science and technology community to continue this exploration—because ensuring that future advancements benefit everyone is up to all of us.

The Research for Industry track, scheduled on Day 2 – October 20, will discuss the data-driven future of industry, and the interdisciplinary research opportunities in various industries, such as space, Telco’s, energy, supply chain, agriculture, food, financial services and entertainment. Hear about our innovations, and thoughts from industry leaders from academia, government agencies, and global industry-leading companies, including:

Introduction & Keynote
Ranveer Chandra (Managing Director, Research for Industry)
Ravi Krishnaswamy (CVP, Microsoft Azure Commercial Industries)
Telco Energy (Carbon Capture) Retail & Consumer Goods Financial Services
Dina Papaginnaki (VP, Azure for Operators)
Martin Casado (Partner, Andreseen Horvitz)
Martin Lund (CVP, Azure For Operators)
Andre Fuetsch (EVP, CTO, AT&T, President, AT&T Labs)
Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl (Partner, Azure)
Felix Hermann (Prof, Georgia Tech)
Rohit Singh (SVP, Equinor)
Darryl Willis (CVP, Microsoft Energy)
Mike Bassani (GM, Azure Global)
Michael McGowan (SVP, Kroger)
Juan Pajon (SVP, Groupo Bimbo)
Bill Borden (CVP, Microsoft FSI)
Nick Lewins (FSI Lead, Microsoft Research)
Florian Kerschbaum (Prof, Waterloo)
Cedric Membrez (Scientist, UBS)
Space Energy (Grid) Agri-Food Gaming
Ranveer Chandra (GM, Networking Research)
Steve Kitay (Sr. Director, Space)
John Lemmon (P&U Lead, Microsoft Azure)
Arun Majumdar (Prof, Stanford)
John Wellinghoff (CEO, GridPolicy)
Stanley Whittingham (Prof, SUNY, Nobel Laureate)
Ranveer Chandra (CTO, Agri-Food)
Teddy Bekele (CTO, Land O’Lakes)
Ellen de Brabander (SVP, PepsiCo R&D)
Susan McCouch (Prof, Cornell)
Nikunj Raghuvanshi (Gaming Lead, MSR)
CJ Williams (Entertainment Lead, Azure)
Kate Rayner (Partner, Tech Director, Microsoft)
Aaron McLeran (Audio Lead, Epic Games)
Closing Keynote
Lorraine Bardeen (VP, Industry CTO, Microsoft)

On October 20, this track will take place in three broadcast regions:

  • 11:00 AM–4:30 PM China Standard Time (UTC+8),
  • 10:00 AM–3:30 PM British Summer Time (UTC+1), and
  • 9:00 AM–2:30 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

Once registered, you can view the session scheduler, select the broadcast region nearest you, and add the Research for Industry track to your event schedule. Learn more about Microsoft Research Summit (opens in new tab).

Track sessions

Session Description
Opening remarks The Research for Industry track will discuss the data-driven future of Industry, and the interdisciplinary research opportunities in various industries, such as Space, Telcos, Energy, Supply Chain, Agriculture, Food, Financial Services and Entertainment.

Ranveer Chandra, Managing Director, Research for Industry, Microsoft Research

Keynote: Accelerating the data and AI transformation of Industry Technology is disrupting every industry, a transformation that has been accelerated by the maturation of data and AI technologies and the advent of the cloud. Microsoft is building tools to enable technology-led innovation of industry. In this keynote, we will highlight some of the tools we are developing, and the need for research and innovation on some of the interdisciplinary challenges across computer science and other industries.

Ravi Krishnaswamy, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Azure Global Commercial Industries

Introduction: Space Systems and NextG Telecommunications The space and telco industries are undergoing a massive transformation. With the advent of LEO satellites, powerful computing resources, and innovative sensors, satellite networks are enabling new connectivity and intelligence applications. Similarly, 5G and the power of cloud and Edge computing are driving significant efficiencies in telecommunication. Hear from leaders on the future of these industries, and how technologies such as data, edge, and AI, will power the next wave of innovation in these industries.

Ranveer Chandra, Managing Director, Research for Industry, Microsoft Research

Panel: Leveraging the future of 5G
Dina Papagiannaki, VP Engineering, Mobile Packet Core, Microsoft Azure for Operators
Martin Casado, General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Andre Fuetsch, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, AT&T Services, Inc.
Martin Lund, CVP, Microsoft Azure

Panel: The Growing Value of Space Systems
Ranveer Chandra Managing Director, Research for Industry, Microsoft Research
Stephen Kitay, Senior Director, Azure Space

Advancing Carbon Capture and Energy Management Getting to Net Zero emissions will require key contributions from the energy industry. This will include inventing new ways to decarbonize the grid and accelerating the adoption of fossil fuel alternatives. Researchers also project that reaching carbon neutrality in the next 30 years will require active removal of carbon from the atmosphere, using technologies such as carbon capture and storage. In this session you will hear from global experts in industry, government, and academia, including Nobel Laureates and National Academies members, on some of the most promising approaches, and open problems, to get us to Net Zero emissions.

Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl, Partner, Microsoft Azure

Panel: Carbon Capture and Storage
Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl, Microsoft (Partner, Microsoft Azure)
Felix Herrmann, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rohit Singh, SVP; Renewables & Low Carbon; Technology, Digital & Innovation, Equinor ASA
Darryl Willis, CVP Energy & Sustainability Industry, Microsoft

Panel: CO2 Targets for 2030 and the Role of the grid
John Lemmon, Engineering Global Power and Utilities Leader, Microsoft Azure
Arun Majumdar, Jay Precourt Provostial Chair Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Jon Wellinghoff, CEO, GridPolicy and Chief Regulatory Officer, Voltus, GridPolicy
Stanley Whittingham, Distinguished Professor and Nobel Laureate, Binghamton University (SUNY)

Ecosystem Resiliency for Consumer Goods The consumer goods industry has been disrupted by personalization of retail, automation of the supply chain, digitization of upstream production, and changing consumer preferences on issues such as sustainability and transparency. In this session we will hear leaders in academia and industry discussing these trends, solutions to current industry problems, and the need for more interdisciplinary co-innovation.

Mike Bassani, GM of Supply Chain, Azure Global Commercial Industry

Panel: Sustainable Supply Chains
Michael McGowan, Senior Vice President, Commercial Insights & Loyalty, 84.51°
Juan Pajón, Business Technology Global Senior Vice President, Grupo Bimbo

Panel: Ag-Food – Sustainably Nourishing the World
Ranveer Chandra, Managing Director, Research for Industry, Microsoft Research
Teddy Bekele, SVP, CTO, Land O’Lakes
Ellen de Brabander, R&D Senior Vice President, PepsiCo
Susan McCouch, Professor, Plant Breeding & Genetics, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University

Data-Sharing in Financial Services: Unlocking new value with Privacy Enhancing Technologies The financial services industry is on the verge of a foundational transformation, shifting from a set of discrete and self-contained functions to an intelligent set of services that embed within the experiences, business processes and marketplaces of many industry verticals. Emerging financial services will have the intelligence to adapt to the individual needs and context of each embedding, and intelligently adapt to the circumstances of each individual user/client. Join a panel of researchers to explore the future of the financial services industry and how privacy technology will help enable innovation that empowers consumers.

Bill Borden, CVP, Microsoft Worldwide Financial Services
Nick Lewins, Global Financial Services Lead, Microsoft Research
Florian Kerschbaum, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Cedric Membrez, Research Scientist, UBS Emerging Tech, Group Chief Technology Office, UBS

Gaming and Entertainment: Content creation at scale As the gaming and entertainment industry has grown to encompass a global consumer base, digital content creators face mounting challenges in scaling to meet consumer demand. A new opportunity is emerging to provide artists, designers, producers, and developers innovative technologies that bond with increasingly complex physics and AI systems to model, simulate, and render detailed 3D worlds in real-time. The opportunities extend beyond entertainment. Technologies for realistic 3D simulation are becoming prevalent in a wide range of industries, as companies need data to build business-critical AI models and systems. Join researchers and industry experts to explore the challenges and opportunities for the next generation of content creation technologies.

Nikunj Raghuvanshi, Sr. Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
CJ Williams, Entertainment Industry Leader, Azure Global Commercial Industry
Kate Rayner, Partner, Technical Director, The Coalition
Aaron McLeran, Audio Engine Lead, Epic Games

Key forces driving industry transformation and disruption Join us as we discuss trends and challenges across industries, explore how Microsoft industry clouds help customers achieve their desired business outcomes, and how Microsoft and its industry clouds can bring innovation to market faster.

Lorraine Bardeen, VP, Industry CTO, Microsoft Industry Solutions