April 20, 2021 - April 22, 2021

3rd Annual Autism at Work Research Workshop

11:00am PDT - 2:00pm PDT

Lieu: Virtual

Day 1 is open to anyone 18 years or older with no submission requirement.

To obtain admission for Days 2 and 3, you must submit a paper with your research ideas and proposals, extended abstracts, or research-in-progress related to employment of individuals with autism and have this submission accepted by the organizers. This work may include research focusing on the preparation, recruitment, persistence, and advancement of individuals with autism in the workplace. Submitted research and proposals can be conceptual, analytical, design-oriented, or empirical in nature. One goal of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to receive constructive feedback to advance and improve your work.

We welcome contributions in the following forms:

  • Research-in-progress papers (3-5 pages)
  • Extended abstracts (2 pages)
  • Research ideas and proposals (1 page)

All submissions will be reviewed by co-chairs for topical fit related to autism employment.

Submissions are now closed.

Deadline Extended!

Submissions for the Research Workshop are DUE by 5pm PDT, Friday March 26, 2021.

Authors will be notified of decisions by Friday April 2, 2021. Acceptance notifications will include the link to register for Days 2 and 3 of the workshop. 

Submission Instructions

Papers should be submitted electronically to https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AWRW2021/ (opens in new tab).

If you have never used the CMT paper submission system before, please click on the Register link next to “New to CMT?” to create an account. If you already have an account, please enter your email address and password to login. Then press the “Create new submission” button at the upper left of the Author Console to create a new paper. Choose Research Workshop Paper Submissions from the pulldown menu. Submission filenames should include the first author’s last name and AWRW2021 e.g., Annabi-AWRW2021.pdf. In the case of multiple submissions, add a number to the last name e.g., Annabi2-AWRW2021.pdf. Questions regarding submissions should be directed to the Autism at Work Research Workshop Chairs by email.

Papers should be single-spaced with font size of 11-12 points. All submissions must include a title, list of authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses, and an abstract. Page limits include all figures and tables; however, references may extend onto additional pages. Submissions must be written in English and be provided in PDF or Microsoft Word formats.