Machine Learning Area

Deep and Reinforcement Learning

The Deep and Reinforcement Learning area pushes forward the research of deep learning and reinforcement learning from both algorithmic and practical aspects. We focus on speech and language processing (especially speech synthesis, machine translation, music composition), drug discovery, game testing, and intelligence logistics.

Machine Learning Solutions and Services

The Machine Learning Solutions & Services (MLSS) area was born with the rapidly increasing demand on AI-driven digital transformation from a wide range of industrial domains. Inspired by the mission of innovating disruptive AI technologies and even becoming the thought leader in critical industrial verticals, MLSS group has been diving into a few critical industrial domains, including sustainability, supply-chain, medical, and financials, and identified a couple of research directions through close collaboration with key domain partners, i.e., leading companies within respective domains.

Computing and Learning

The Computing and Learning Theory area investigates the utility, complexity, trustworthiness of learning and computing for AI, in the theoretical perspective. We aim to push the frontier of learning and computing by theory. Our current research focus is on deep learning theory, reinforcement learning theory, differential privacy, causality, and game theory.