Machine Learning Area

Full-time Researcher

  • We are hiring at all levels! If you are interested in developing advanced machine learning algorithms, exploring machine learning theories, and designing machine learning solutions for real-world application scenarios, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    • For reinforcement learning, please contact Li Zhao (
    • For deep learning for speech recognition, machine translation, content creation, please contact Xu Tan (
    • For machine learning theory, privacy-preserving learning, dynamics learning, please contact Huishuai Zhang (
    • For machine learning applications on supply-chain, manufacturing and retailing, please contact Lei Song (
    • For machine learning applications on FinTech, please contact Weiqing Liu (
    • For deep learning for forecasting and anomaly detection as well as machine learning applications on energy, sustainability and healthcare, please contact Wei Cao (
    • If you are not sure which team is the best fit, please contact Jiang Bian (

Postdoc Researcher

  • We are also hiring postdoc researchers who are interested in our research directions, especially on machine learning theory. If you want to do important and curiosity-driven research, please contact us (see contact persons above).


  • We are always open to internship applications. If you want to experience how to conduct world-class research in a top industrial lab, please directly contact the researchers you are interested in (preferred) or contact corresponding managers as listed above.