a tall building lit up at night

Microsoft Research New England @ Herzliya

The Microsoft Research team at the Israel R&D Center is part of a worldwide team of more than 1,000 scientists and engineers working across multiple research areas in Microsoft’s global research labs, making significant contributions to our products and collaborating on external projects that help solve global challenges. The team is a part of the Microsoft New England Lab, led by Managing Director Susan Dumais (opens in new tab).

The team works on a number of collaborative projects that bring together the best minds in computer science to advance a research agenda based on their unique talents and interests. Microsoft Research New England @ Herzliya focuses on two main areas of Computer Science: Machine Learning and Algorithmic Game Theory. Our application areas include Cloud Computing, Security, and Healthcare. The lab supports a core team of established researchers, as well as a large group of interns and distinguished visiting faculty members.

To learn more about Microsoft Israel R&D, please look at their webpage: http://microsoftrnd.co.il/Pages/default.aspx (opens in new tab)


Portrait de Uriel  Feige

Uriel Feige

Visiting Researcher

Weizmann Institute of Science

Portrait de Michal  Feldman

Michal Feldman

Visiting Researcher

Tel-Aviv University

Portrait de Sivan Sabato

Sivan Sabato

Visiting Researcher

Ben Gurion University

Portrait de Lev Muchnik

Lev Muchnik

Visiting Researcher

Hebrew University

Portrait de Shahar Dobzinski

Shahar Dobzinski

Visiting Researcher

Weizmann Institute of Science