Advitya Gemawat的肖像

Advitya Gemawat

Machine Learning Research Engineer

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Advitya Gemawat currently works in the Responsible AI team as part of the Azure Machine Learning (AML) and Azure AI Studio product lines, in the Azure AI Platform org. Prior to the RAI team, he was part of the 4th cohort of the Microsoft AI Development Acceleration Program (MAIDAP) (opens in new tab). As part of MAIDAP, he has worked with Azure Quality, Microsoft’s Gray Systems Lab (opens in new tab) (GSL), Azure Edge & Platform, and Azure Machine Learning (AML). His research experience is at the intersection of Machine Learning & Scalable Systems. His work with GSL was identified as the Microsoft Global Hackathon Executive Challenge 2022 Winner (opens in new tab) and recipient of the Best Demonstration Award (opens in new tab) at VLDB 2022. His work with the AML team on expanding the RAI Dashboard to support Object Detection models was released in Public Preview at Microsoft Build 2023 (opens in new tab).

Prior to Microsoft, Advitya graduated from UC San Diego with a Data Science major, where he contributed to Project Cerebro (opens in new tab) (a Layered Data Platform for scalable Deep Learning) and was advised by Professor Arun Kumar (opens in new tab). There, his research won the 2021 ACM SIGMOD Student Research Abstract Competition and the Best Project Award as part of UCSD’s HDSI Scholarship Program. As part of his internship with VMware, his work on Massively Parallel Automated Model Building for Deep Learning (opens in new tab) was included in Apache MADlib (opens in new tab)‘s 1.18.0 release.