Portrait de Amir Kantor

Amir Kantor

Principal Researcher

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Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Auto-Tuning of Copilot Prompts

AI-agent-based tool for tuning and optimizing system prompts, and particularly those of Microsoft Copilot offerings. S’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet

Woman at a desk using a Surface laptop to make a Microsoft Teams video call with one man smiling and wearing a headset. Business Voice conference call/meeting device is in the background.

Meeting Intelligence: Task Rephrasing

As part of the general theme of Meeting Intelligence, we extract and rewrite tasks and to-do items identified in meeting transcriptions. S’ouvre dans un nouvel

Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica

mai: MAth Interpreter

Educational tool for computer-assisted mathematics, wherein the language of mathematics is defined from first principles. Using `horc’, a fully operational proof assistant is obtained at no additional cost.…

Babbage's Analytical Engine, 1834-1871.

horc: HORn-Clause Interpreter

Implementation of `pure’ logic programming as a lightweight extension to Prolog. It is a minimalist (meta-)language allowing to jointly define and implement more complex formalisms.

À propos

As a Principal Researcher at Microsoft MSAI (opens in new tab), I lead cutting-edge research in generative AI, which drives innovation and shapes AI-driven experiences in key products like Copilot for Teams (opens in new tab) and Teams Premium (opens in new tab). My research interests involve core challenges in machine learning and natural language processing – particularly, advancing generative AI technology and foundation models (opens in new tab) for scalable AI systems. My experience spans the full model-development lifecycle, from data collection and annotation, through model design and optimization, to model evaluation and integration of user feedback. More recently, I have been engaged in challenges in large language models, prompt optimization, and AI agents.

I earned my Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Weizmann Institute of Science (opens in new tab), where my research focused on formal methods (opens in new tab) and modeling languages. I also hold a B.A. in Mathematics with Computer Science from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (opens in new tab). Prior to Microsoft, I was a Research Staff Member at IBM Research (opens in new tab).

I live in Haifa, Israel. Outside of work, I enjoy weight training and keeping up with recent advances in digital mathematics (opens in new tab).

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