Anjaly Parayil的肖像

Anjaly Parayil

Senior Researcher


I am a senior researcher at M365 Research.  My areas of interest include Reinforcement learning, machine learning applied to large-scale datasets, sparse optimization, Bayesian approaches, state estimation, optimization, and multi-agent control.


Prior to Joining Microsoft, I was a postdoctoral fellow with the Computational and Information Sciences Directorate at the US Army Research Laboratory (opens in new tab), Adelphi, from Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2021.  A couple of works from my postdoc include Reinforcement Learning applied to continuous action space, Bayesian Inferencing in a distributed setting, sparse Bayesian learning, etc. Apart from research in AI and leading academic collaborations, I was also part of the Director’s Strategic Initiative program spanning theory, modelling, and experimentation.  I completed my graduate studies at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (opens in new tab). My doctoral thesis focused on uncertain systems and multi-agent control, for which I received Prof. A. K. Rao Medal for the best Ph.D. Thesis.  I have authored 20+ publications in Artificial intelligence, control systems and optimization. In addition, I also serve as a reviewer for multiple conferences and journals.