Bailu Ding的肖像

Bailu Ding

Principal Researcher


I am a Researcher in the Data Systems group, Microsoft Research. I received my Ph.D. from Cornell University.

I have been working on query optimization, index tuning, and transaction processing.


Program co-chair: SMDB@ICDE (2022-2023)

Program committee:

  • VLDB: 2020-2024
  • SIGMOD: 2020-2025
  • Others: EDBT (2024), ICDE (2022), NeurIPS 2021, ICLR 2021, ICML (2020-2022), SoCC (2021-2022), AIDB@SIGMOD(2021-2022), SMDB@ICDE (2020-2022), CIKM 2017

Reviewer / external reviewer: TODS (2021), Distributed and Parallel Database 2020, WSDM 2019, VLDB Journal 2018, IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing 2017, SoCC 2017, SIGMOD Record 2017, SIGMOD 2014, Distributed and Parallel Database 2017