Portrait de Badrish Chandramouli

Badrish Chandramouli

Partner Research Manager

À propos

Badrish Chandramouli is a senior principal researcher in the database group (opens in new tab) at Microsoft Research (opens in new tab).  He is interested in creating technologies to perform real-time and offline big data processing and resilient state management for Cloud applications. Badrish’s work on stream processing (opens in new tab) first shipped commercially in 2010 with Microsoft SQL Server, as the StreamInsight engine. Starting 2012, he led the creation of Trill (opens in new tab), a streaming analytics engine that is widely used at Microsoft, for example, in the Bing advertising platform (opens in new tab) and as part of the public-facing Azure Stream Analytics (opens in new tab) service (see this blog post (opens in new tab) for more information). Recently, Badrish led FASTER (opens in new tab), a high-performance concurrent key-value store that supports larger-than-memory data and is optimized for the hot working set. He also built FishStore (opens in new tab), a fast storage and querying layer for flexible-schema data. He has worked on simplifying distributed systems via projects such as CRA (opens in new tab) and Ambrosia (opens in new tab). Learn more about his research and publications at https://badrish.net/ (opens in new tab).