Portrait de Betül Durak

Betül Durak

Senior Researcher

À propos

I am a senior researcher at Microsoft Research (MSR) at Redmond. I am trained in applied cryptography. In my 2 years at MSR, I have researched on how to bring more privacy to the end users without harming security of the platforms [Precio (opens in new tab), Anonymous Tokens with Hidden Metadata (opens in new tab)]. Recently, I have started thinking about such privacy-security trade-offs that emerge in new technologies. More specifically, I am interested in preventing disruptions in communication due to Large Language Models.

I finished my Ph.D. at Rutgers University under the supervision of David Cash (opens in new tab). Then, I moved to Switzerland to do my post-doc in LASEC (opens in new tab) at EPFL where I stayed for two years. Later, I came back to the US to work for Bosch Research in Pittsburgh as a research engineer. Here are my research areas (all my IACR (opens in new tab) publications list authors in alphabetical order):

Structure-Preserving Encryption: Order-Revealing Encryption (opens in new tab), Format-Preserving Encryption [1 (opens in new tab), 2 (opens in new tab), 3 (opens in new tab)], Searchable Encryption (opens in new tab).

Secure Messaging: Ratcheted Key Agreement [1 (opens in new tab), 2 (opens in new tab)], Post-Compromise Secure Self-Encryption (opens in new tab).

Biometric Access Control: BioID (opens in new tab), BioLocker (opens in new tab).

Multi-Party Computation (MPC):  AES in MPC (opens in new tab), Faster Convolution with Discrete Fourier Transformation in MPC, Precio: Secure Aggregation (opens in new tab).

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Misuse Attacks (opens in new tab), LowMC Attack (opens in new tab).