Portrait de Brendan Lucier

Brendan Lucier

Senior Principal Researcher

À propos

Brendan Lucier is a Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England (MSR NE) in the economics and computation group.  He received his BMath and MMath in 2004 and 2005 from the University of Waterloo and his PhD in 2011 from the University of Toronto.  Brendan’s research lies at the intersection of microeconomic theory and theoretical computer science.  He uses tools from game theory, computation, and stochastic analysis to understand how the algorithms embedded in online platforms and other sociotechnical systems influence user behavior.  He is especially interested in the ways that users interact with (and through) algorithms and how this informs market design.  His research is motivated by applications such as digital advertising, matching markets, and markets for sustainability.  He is currently serving as Secretary-Treasurer for SIGecom, the ACM Special Interest Group on Economics and Computation.  He also serves on the editorial board for  Management Science, Operations Research, Transactions on Economics and Computation, and Games and Economic Behavior, and has been a program committee member and chair for several ACM and IEEE conferences in computer science and related fields.

For a complete and up-to-date list of publications please see DBLP or Google Scholar.  For other activities and selected publications please visit the Other Activities page.