Carlo Curino的肖像

Carlo Curino

Principal Scientist Group Manager


Carlo A. Curino received a Bachelor in Computer Science at Politecnico di Milano. He participated to a joint project between University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Politecnico di Milano, obtaining a Master Degree in Computer Science at UIC and the Laurea Specialistica (cum laude) in Politecnico di Milano.

During the PhD at Politecnico di Milano, he spent almost two years as a visiting researcher at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) working with prof. Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA) and prof. Alin Deutsch (UCSD). He then spent two years as Post Doc Associate at CSAIL MIT working with prof. Samuel Madden and prof. Hari Balakrishnan.

At MIT he was also the primary lecturer for the course on databases CS630, taught in collaboration with Mike Stonebraker. He spent a year as Research Scientist at Yahoo! Research.

Carlo's recent research interests include: large scale distributed systems, performance tuning, scheduling. In the past he worked on: mobile+cloud platforms, entity dedup at scale, relational databases and cloud computing, workload management and performance analysis, schema evolution, temporal databases.