Chin-Wei Huang的肖像

Chin-Wei Huang

Senior Researcher


I am a senior researcher at MSR Amsterdam (opens in new tab), working on machine learning for molecular simulation. I did my PhD in computer science at Mila (opens in new tab) (University of Montreal) with Aaron Courville (opens in new tab). I have worked on a wide variety of topics in core ML, including generative models, variational inference, and Bayesian deep learning. I received a Google PhD fellowship (opens in new tab) in the category of Machine Learning in 2020. Throughout my PhD, I also spent some time interning at Google and Element AI (acquired by ServiceNow), and helped organize INNF+ (opens in new tab), a workshop on invertible flows and other likelihood-based models from 2019 to 2021. Prior to my PhD, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering at National Taiwan University (opens in new tab) (NTU).