Portrait de Chris Lovett

Chris Lovett

Principal Research Software Engineer

À propos

I’m a Principal Software Developer who joined Microsoft in ’97 and I’ve worked on everything from XML, IE, .NET, SQL, Visual Studio, and Windows.

I have done several key incubation projects over my career at Microsoft that were close partnerships with Microsoft Research. The first was an experiment in data integration into mainstream programming languages with Erik Meijer and Wolfram Schulte which led to LINQ, and collaboration with (opens in new tab). The second was an exploration into graphical visualization of code dependencies collaborating with Lev Nachmanson (opens in new tab) which led to the DGML diagrams and the Visual Studio Code Map features.  The other was a secret project under Dirk Didascalou that came out of Microsoft Research.

I enjoy working with Microsoft Research so much I officially joined Microsoft Research in 2015 to help Ethan Jackson (opens in new tab) and Shaz Qadeer (opens in new tab) research safe and robust cyber physical systems using the P programming language.  I have also worked on AirSim (opens in new tab) and the ELL (opens in new tab) Neural Network Compiler for embedded devices and the Coyote (opens in new tab) project for systematic testing of asynchronous code. I’ve also worked on the Lean Programming Language (opens in new tab) and Neural Architecture Search (opens in new tab) and most recently the use of AI in Game Testing.

I have over 25 experience years working on everything from IBM, OS/2, Linux, Apple, Android, and Windows platforms and I enjoy tinkering with embedded systems using ARM Cortex-M chips.

I especially enjoy tinkering with and flying quadrocopters.