Portrait de Daan Leijen

Daan Leijen

Principal Researcher

À propos

I am a member of the Research In Software Engineering (RISE) group, and interested in the design and application of strong type systems, declarative programming, and compiler technology. In particular, I work on algebraic effects and handlers, and working on an implementation as part of the Koka language.

Some projects that you may be interested in:

I am a permanent member of IFIP working group 2.16 (opens in new tab) on programming language design, and currently on the ICFP steering committee. I am currently on the program committee of ICFP’24 (opens in new tab) and APLAS’24 (opens in new tab) — consider submitting a paper!
I was diversity chair for ICFP’23 (opens in new tab), and on the program committee of the 2021 Haskell Symposium (opens in new tab), HIW’21 (opens in new tab), ICFP’19 (opens in new tab), WPDAI’18 (opens in new tab) (as part of the WWW’18 (opens in new tab) conference) in Lyon (Apr 2018), the PADL’18 (opens in new tab) conference on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages in LA (Jan 2018, co-located with POPL), the ICFP 2015 (opens in new tab) conference, the APLAS 2014 (opens in new tab) conference, the Haskell Symposium 2012 (opens in new tab), OOPSLA’11, the 2010 ML (opens in new tab)workshop, the ICFP 2009 (opens in new tab) conference, and 2004 Haskell (opens in new tab)workshop. I was the organizer and program chair of the 2013 ML workshop (opens in new tab).
I used to be chair of the Haskell Symposium steering committee (opens in new tab) until 2009.