Portrait de Dan Vann (HE/HIM)

Dan Vann (HE/HIM)

Senior Applied Scientist

À propos

Dan is an Applied Scientist on the Fairness Center team in the Microsoft Research (MSR) org. The mission of the Fairness Center team is to create a centralized framework for how to identify, measure, and mitigate fairness issues across various Microsoft AI products and services. This includes creating resources, tooling, and best practices that builds upon research being done in Microsoft Research, practical application being implemented by product teams, and standards being established by the Office of Responsible AI.

Before joining the Fairness Center team, Dan also worked on other AI related products and initiatives. This includes delivering Cortana voice experiences in Microsoft Teams and being a member of the AETHER Research Working Group. Most notably, Dan worked on the Microsoft Zo social chatbot, which was the successor to the Microsoft Tay Twitter chatbot, where he was responsible for a significant portion of the content moderation and language understanding components of the product.