Portrait de Dinei Florencio

Dinei Florencio


À propos

I am currently the research manager for the Vision and Document Intelligence  group at Azure Cognitive Services. I received the B.S. and M.S. from University of Brasília (opens in new tab) (Brazil), and the Ph.D. from Georgia Tech (opens in new tab), all in Electrical Engineering.

I joined Microsoft Research as a researcher in 1999. I my first twenty years at MSR, I was part of the Signal Processing Group, and later the Multimedia, Interaction, and collaboration group, before I joined the team led by Cha Zhang in Cognitive Services. Before joining Microsoft, I was a member of the research staff at the David Sarnoff Research Center (opens in new tab) from 1996 to 1999. I was also a co-op student with AT&T Human Interface Lab (now part of NCR (opens in new tab)) from 1994 to 1996, and a Summer intern at Interval Research (opens in new tab) in 1994. I have published 100+ refereed papers, and authored 50+ granted patents. I was an elected member of two IEEE SPS Technical Committees: Information Forensics and Security (opens in new tab) and Multimedia Signal Processing (opens in new tab) (for which I was also chair for 2014-15), and a member of the IEEE SPS Technical Directions Committee. I am a senior editor at with the IEEE Journal of Select Topics in Signal Processing.  I acted as general co-chair of MMSP’09, Hot3D’10, WIFS’11, and Hot3dD’13, and as Technical co-chair of WIFS’10, ICME’11, and MMSP’13. I am a fellow of the IEEE.