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Dongdong Chen

Senior Researcher

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I am currently a senior researcher at Microsoft Cloud + AI. Before joining microsoft in May 2019, I had been in Microsoft for five years as a research intern. I obtained my PhD degree in University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) under the joint PhD program between MSRA and USTC.  I was luckily advised by Gang Hua, Lu Yuan and Prof. Nenghai Yu. In the early stage of my research period, I was also very fortunate to be supervised by Yi Ma and Jian Sun respectively.

My research interests are in computer vision,  graphics and AI security. I’m particularly interested in the areas of image processing/generation, general representation learning, adversarial learning and model IP protection.  And I have published more than 30 top conference and Journal papers along these directions.

If you are looking for internship or research positions, please send me an email (dochen at microsoft dot com).