Elise van der Pol的肖像

Elise van der Pol

Senior Researcher


I’m a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research Amsterdam, working on reinforcement learning and deep learning for molecular simulation. I’ve worked on symmetry, structure, and equivariance in single and multi-agent reinforcement learning and machine learning.

Before joining MSR, I did a PhD in the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab, working with Max Welling (UvA), Frans Oliehoek (TU Delft), and Herke van Hoof (UvA). During my PhD, I spent time in DeepMind’s multi-agent team.

I was an invited speaker at the BeneRL 2022 workshop and the Self-Supervision for Reinforcement Learning workshop at ICLR 2021. I was also a co-organizer of the workshop on Ecological/Data-Centric Reinforcement Learning at NeurIPS 2021.