Portrait de Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh (SHE/HER)

Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh (SHE/HER)

Senior Program Manager

À propos

Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh is a Senior Program Manager in Aether (AI, ethics, and effects in engineering and research), which is part of the Office of Chief Scientific Officer at Microsoft. Forough is interested in the intersection and interaction of society, people, and AI systems. Her research work has been interdisciplinary: She has a training in machine learning and NLP and has collaborated with scholars in the behavioral psychology and HCI communities to study and understand how people create and explore datasets, train ML models, and make decisions with ML systems. Before starting this position, Forough was a postdoctoral researcher in the computational social science and FATE groups at MSR-NYC. Beyond research, Forough has been interested and active with efforts on diversity and inclusion in computing. In 2019, she was a co-organizer of the Women in Machine Learning (WiML) workshop at NeurIPS.
Forough holds a PhD in computer science with a focus on human-centered machine learning from University of Colorado Boulder and a BE in computer engineering from University of Tehran.