Greg O'Shea的肖像

Greg O'Shea

Principal RSDE


I have worked for Microsoft Research in Cambridge since 1998, designing and implementing experimental network protocols and advanced data storage capabilities for Windows and the Cloud. Examples of published research include DC-DRF (SoCC18), Pulsar (OSDI14), IoFlow (SOSP13), Symbiotic Routing (SIGCOMM10), VRR (SIGCOMM06) and the CAM authentication protocol for Mobile IPv6.

Some of this research has appeared in released products, namely the research prototype for the end-to-end storage QoS feature of Windows Server 2016, the I/O rate limiter for the SMB Bandwidth Limit Filter, the Mobile IPv6 Tech Preview released by both Windows and Windows CE, and the IPv6 stack in Windows CE in collaboration with Lancaster University. In recognition, I have four ShipIt awards from Microsoft product groups.

My PhD from the University of London was on aspects of operating system security.