Hongzhi Li的肖像

Hongzhi Li

Sr. Principal Research Manager


Dr. Hongzhi Li is a Sr. Principal Research Manager in Microsoft AI & Research. His research interests are mainly in machine intelligence areas, including multimodal content analysis, knowledge extraction and representation, pattern recognition and cloud based computing. His current research is focused on deep learning for visual intelligence and its applications on cloud computing platform.

Dr. Li received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Columbia University. Before that, He received his Bachelor and Master degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University, China and Columbia University, US, receptively.

Dr. Li has published in ACM Multimedia, TMM, ICMR, EMNLP, NAACL, SPIE and other venues. He is the winner of grand challenge (first place) in ACM Multimedia 2012.

Dr. Li severed in program committee of major international conferences, including ACM MM, ICME, IJCAI, etc. He also severed as a reviewer in journals including IEEE TMM, IEEE TCSVT, TPAMI, JVCI, JVIS, etc.