Portrait de Ishai Menache

Ishai Menache

Partner Research Manager

À propos

I lead the Machine Learning and Optimization (opens in new tab) group at Microsoft Research, Redmond. I completed my Ph.D. at the Technion (opens in new tab), and spent a couple of years at MIT (opens in new tab) as a postdoc associate.

Areas of interest:

  • Large-scale optimization
  • Machine learning – algorithm design and applications
  • Systems and networking
  • Supply chain management

Current projects:

  • OptiGuide – Interactive optimization with LLMs
  • Cloud efficiency optimization

Recent PCs:

SPAA’16 (opens in new tab), EuroSys’17 (opens in new tab), NETGCOOP’18 (opens in new tab) (chair), ASPLOS’19 (opens in new tab) (ERC), ICML’19 (opens in new tab), NeurIPS’19 (opens in new tab), APOCS’21, (opens in new tab)EuroSys’24 (opens in new tab)