Portrait of James Bono

James Bono

Principal Applied Researcher

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I’m an economist working on problems in the security space.

I started as a professor of economics, where my research focused on developing distribution-valued game theoretic solution concepts to replace traditional set-valued ones to help game theory better leverage standard methods for inference and optimization.

I then transitioned to the world of high-stakes spectrum auctions where I was a lead strategy advisor for senior leadership at some of the world’s largest telecoms, managing over $25B in winning bids. In that role, I also took an active part in the regulatory process, including as co-author of a white paper describing the two-sided market design adopted by the FCC in Auction 103 (gross proceeds $7.6B).

I’m now bringing an economic perspective to Microsoft’s Security division, leading the effort to measure cyber security risk and how security posture contributes to reducing it. I also work on the economics of the security business, including demand and the market for security products.