Jianxun Lian的肖像

Jianxun Lian

Senior Researcher


Jianxun Lian is now a senior researcher at Microsoft Research Asia. His research interests include Humanoid AI, LLM-based Agent, and Recommendation Systems. He has published some academic papers on top international conferences such as KDD, IJCAI, and WWW.  He serves as a program committee member for several conferences such as KDD, SIGIR, WWW, AAAI, and IJCAI.

Jianxun Lian received his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees from the School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China.  He joined MSRA in July 2018.


[Hiring] I am always looking for self-motivated and ambitious students. If you are interested in the internship under my supervision, please contact me via jianxun.lian at microsoft.com.