Portrait of Kaitao Song

Kaitao Song

Senior Researcher


Kaitao Song is a senior researcher at Microsoft Research Asia, Shanghai, China. His research interests focus on machine learning/deep learning algorithms on natural language processing/speech processing, including pre-trained language model, neural machine translation, music generation, text summarization, neural architecture search for NLP, audio speech recognition,  text-to-speech synthesis and etc.

He has published multiple famous papers, including:

Currently, He is focused on the following research topics:

  • Large Language Models
    • Autonomous Agents, Planning, Tool Use, Memory and etc
  • General NLP methods
    • Pre-trained Model, Architecture Design, Efficient Training and Inference.

Hiring: We are looking for research interns with self-motivation. Please contact me (kaitaosong[AT]microsoft.com) if you are interested in my research topics. (No headcount now)

Research Topics & Projects

Recent News:

[2024-08-11] I serve as Session Chair of ACL 2024.

[2024-06-27] I have been invited to attend AI Agent Summit, hosted by Andrew Ng and DeepLearning.ai, to discuss about the future of AI Agent.

[2024-05-15] Our paper (NaturalSpeech 3) has been accepted by ICML 2024 (Oral). Our papers about LLM reasoning has been accepted by ACL 2024 Main Conference (Oral).

[2024-02-29] I have given a talk about HuggingGPT (opens in new tab) at AGI Leap Summit 2024.

[2024-01-17] Two our papers (EvoPrompt, VoiceGen) have been accepted by ICLR 2024. And Two of our papers (EasyTool, TaskBench) also have been accepted by ICLR 2024 LLMAgent workshops.

[2023-12-10] I have given a talk – “The Future is Here – A Deep Dive into Autonomous Agents (opens in new tab)” at NeurIPS 2023

[2023-09-22] HuggingGPT has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023