Portrait de Yu Kang

Yu Kang

Principal Research Manager

À propos

Yu Kang (康昱) is a Principal Researcher and Research Manager in the STCA DKI (Data, Knowledge, Intelligence) group. He is also an Adjunct Professor at School of Computer Science, Fudan University. Moreover, he is an honorary Research Associate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He focuses on data-driven technologies for intelligent cloud service. His research combines ABC (AI, big data and cloud computing), which adopts AI technologies on big data generated during cloud computing runtime. He has publications in top conferences of Software Engineering (SE) area. He had served as principal investigator of several industry and research projects including a NSFC project. After joining Microsoft in 2018, he worked on research projects to improve cloud service quality (e.g., reliability, performance). The research technologies have been integrated into fundamental cloud platform services which supports all Microsoft online services including Azure, M365, Teams, etc.

He received PhD. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Michael R. Lyu in 2016. During PhD. study, he visited Duke University as a research scholar, hosted by Prof. Kishor S. Trivedi. Before that, he received B.Sc. in Computer Science from Fudan University.

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