Lev Nachmanson的肖像

Lev Nachmanson

Principal Research Software Development Engineer


I am a Principle Research Software Development Engineer of the RISE group of Microsoft Research.

My current project is Linear and Integer Linear Programing. My implementation of LP and ILP solvers are now integrated into theorem prover Z3 (opens in new tab).

I created Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout (opens in new tab), GLEE in the past. It is a .NET tool for drawing graphs. It is included in Visual Studio and used in Code Map feature or showing the graph of include files. In addition to Graph Drawing I worked on stochastic games (opens in new tab), test strategies (opens in new tab),  and general algorithms on graphs. This work has been done while developing Spec Explorer, an advanced model-based testing tool. During the Spec Explorer project I was mainly responsible for the Finite State Machine viewing and graph traversal algorithms.

Among my publications I like the most this one: Node Overlap Removal by Growing a Tree. (opens in new tab)

Before joining Microsoft, I was the manager of the Geometry and Kinematics team of Tecnomatix (opens in new tab), an Israeli software company. I received my PHD on General Topology  the Ural State University of Yekaterinburg, Russia (now the Ural State University (opens in new tab)), where I also taught and developed Computer Aided Design systems.

I practice and teach Ashtanga yoga.