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Marah Abdin

Member of Technical Staff - Research

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Marah Abdin is focused on Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI research at Microsoft’s AI division, notably within the Physics of AGI group, training the phi models. Her experience includes a variety of machine learning projects and publications, from computer vision to natural language processing (NLP). Among her previous contributions is participating in the development of the SeeingAI app and the Eclipse Air Quality project at Microsoft Research labs in Cambridge and Redmond respectively. Abdin started her career as an undergraduate research intern at the MSR lab in New York City and, after earning her degree from the University of Rochester, moved to MSR in Redmond as an RSDE in the Central Engineering group. She has since transitioned to her current role, where she contributes to the advancement of generative AI technologies through a focus on large-scale data collection and skill-inducing synthetic training data generation.