Melissa Chase的肖像

Melissa Chase

Principal Researcher


I am a researcher in the Cryptography and Privacy group at Microsoft Research Redmond. My research focuses on defining and constructing cryptographic protocols and primitives. I am involved in projects on Privacy in ML (opens in new tab), Digital Identities (opens in new tab), and Secure Computing (opens in new tab) projects.

I completed a phd in Computer Science at Brown University, working under Anna Lysyanskaya (opens in new tab). During the summer of 2007, I went to IBM Zurich to work with Jan Camenisch in the idemix group, and I spent the fall semester of 2006 at the cryptography program (opens in new tab) at UCLA’s IPAM (opens in new tab). I did my undergrad at Harvey Mudd College (opens in new tab) in Computer Science and Math.

For an up to date publication list please see my Google Scholar page (opens in new tab).