Nicolai Marquardt的肖像

Nicolai Marquardt

Principal Researcher


Nic Marquardt is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in the EPIC group (Extended Perception, Interaction & Cognition) and HCAIX group (Human-Computer & Artificial Intelligence Experiences). Previously, he was Professor for Interaction Design and Innovation at University College London, part of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science, and Faculty of Brain Sciences. Nic holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Calgary (Canada), at the Interactions Lab with his advisor Saul Greenberg.

He does research on collaborate technology that empowers users: with AI-supported expressive techniques to craft and manipulate content, sensor-driven interaction techniques finely tuned to spatial and social context, and novel hardware and form-factors to best situate these tools in people’s environments. More generally, his research covers the areas of human-computer interaction, collaborative systems, multi-device computing, sensor-based systems, applied generative-AI, and prototyping toolkits. Nic is co-author of the Sketching User Experiences Workbook (Morgan Kaufmann 2011) and the Proxemic Interactions textbook (Morgan & Claypool 2015). He received multiple best-paper and honorable mention awards at ACM CHI and ISS, as well as the 10-year Impact Award at ACM ISS for his work on Proxemic Interactions.