Ranveer Chandra的肖像

Ranveer Chandra

Managing Director, Research for Industry


Quick access:

More about the Industry Research group.
Newsweek feature on America’s 50 Most Disruptive Innovators
Bill Gates’s blog & video on FarmBeats in GatesNotes:
Learn more about my research from the recent podcast,
MSR Luminaries interview, and feature.
Here is a link to our paper describing the White Space Deployments in Africa.
The  Economist article on Project FarmBeats.

Key projects:

Project FarmBeats & Project FarmVibes: Started the FarmBeats project, led the initiative, helped ship it as a new product, working on taking it to growers worldwide, through partnerships, for example with Land O’Lakes. The new open-source initiative, Project FarmVibes, builds on the product to enable AI workflows for Agriculture.
Space & 6G: Our group is building cutting edge ideas shaping the next generation of communications technology
Battery Research at Microsoft: We shipped several innovations in products, such as Visual Studio and Windows. Two key research themes are: offload (MAUI, WearDrive, Somniloquy) and new battery architectures, e.g. Software Defined Batteries.
TV White Spaces (Research site): Started this project in 2005. Awarded MIT TR-35 for this research. Now working on worldwide deployments and policy.
Low Latency Wireless: Designed the XBOX One Wireless Controller Protocol. This is shipping on 10s of millions of XBOX consoles and controllers.
VirtualWiFi: Ph.D. Thesis. This has led to the design of Wi-Fi Direct. Software has over half million downloads.


Ranveer Chandra is the Managing Director for Research for Industry, and the CTO of Agri-Food at Microsoft. Previously, Ranveer was the Chief Scientist of Microsoft Azure Global, and also led Networking Research at Microsoft Research, Redmond. His research has shipped as part of multiple Microsoft products, including VirtualWiFi in Windows 7 onwards, low power Wi-Fi in Windows 8, Energy Profiler in Visual Studio, Software Defined Batteries in Windows 10, and the Wireless Controller Protocol in XBOX One. His research also led to a new product. Ranveer is active in the networking and systems research community, and has served as the Program Committee Chair of IEEE DySPAN 2012, ACM MobiCom 2013, and ACM HotNets 2022.

Ranveer started Project FarmBeats at Microsoft in 2015. He also led the battery research project, and the white space networking project at Microsoft Research. He was invited to the USDA to present his research to the US Secretary of Agriculture, and this work was featured by Bill Gates in GatesNotes, and was selected by Satya Nadella as one of 10 projects that inspired him in 2017. Ranveer has also been invited to the FCC to present his work on TV white spaces, and spectrum regulators from India, China, Brazil, Singapore and US (including the FCC chairman) have visited the Microsoft campus to see his deployment of the world’s first urban white space network. As part of his doctoral dissertation, Ranveer developed VirtualWiFi. The software has over a million downloads and was among the top 5 downloaded software released by Microsoft Research. It is shipping as a feature in Windows since 2009.

Ranveer has published more than 100 papers, and holds over 125 patents granted by the USPTO. His research has been cited by the popular press, such as the Economist, MIT Technology Review, BBC, Scientific American, New York Times, WSJ, among others. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE, and has won several awards, including award papers at ACM CoNext, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE RTSS, USENIX ATC, Runtime Verification (RV’16), ACM COMPASS, and ACM MobiCom, the Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship, the Microsoft Gold Star Award, the MIT Technology Review’s Top Innovators Under 35, TR35 (2010) and Fellow in Communications, World Technology Network (2012). He was recently recognized by the Newsweek magazine as America’s 50 most Disruptive Innovators (2021). Ranveer has an undergraduate degree from IIT Kharagpur, India and a PhD from Cornell University.

For a more detailed CV, click here.